Act II. Surprise meeting

The hour is 10:00. Jack and Jean go to the sewers again, getting themselves fixed by Sam and Zick.

Meanwhile, in the mansion itself, Lina is in her room, all frustrated.

On the bed of hers, holding on the sheet with her claws as she begins to cry.

"Why... why am I so frickin' stupid?" She asks herself, like she just lost something important to her. "He gave me hope... and I threw it away..." mumbling to herself more, beginning to cover her own face. "I'm so stupid..."

Through the cries of the deformed robotic girl, footsteps are suddenly being heard. The footsteps felt with nothing but sheer and utter power.

Lina notices the steps, immediately knowing who it is. From that on itself, panic rises in her, causing the lady to arrange her room as fast as she can.

"Oh no no no no... why now?..." she mumbles more while arranging, getting ready for a visit.

Through the entire mansion, only the sounds of her panicking and the sound of the footsteps are being heard. The sound and volume of the steps are getting higher, hearing silver legs walking on the rich flooring in the mansion.

Closer and closer. The sound and the feeling, all coming together, closing in on the lady. All of this is causing her only to breath heavily more and more.

It stops, both the footsteps and possibly her Mechanical heart. Lina looks cautiously at the door, seeing what she feared. The girl saw a shadow in under the door, showing the figure's shape. That figure was non other than the man himself, Joshua, the boss of Violet.

Three knocks are being heard from the door, three knocks from the boss himself.

"Oh crap oh crap." Lina says to herself. "Okay Lina, take a deep breath and open the door, nothing bad will happen right?" She gulps her own spit after saying so.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Asks the boss, wanting to Talk with Lina. "Open the door now, I have important news to you Lina."

Surprised, Lina was never called by her actual name from the bosses. After hearing it, she immediately goes as fast as she can to the door, grabbing the door knob. Just the feeling from grabbing it and knowing who's on the other side... All of this causes the girl to tremble in excitement and fear.

Lina opens the door slowly, afraid from what can happen, her heartbeat rises by one hundred times. But with that in her, she is ready to meet him, ready to meet to boss.

The door was fully open now. He stood there, Joshua. His appearance alone, shadowed by his upper half of the body, striking with fear on any normal robot who would see any of the two bosses themselves. The boss looks down at her, quietly with his two meter height and menacing posture. All that Lina can possibly say is pure mumbles, not even forming basic words, afraid to anger Joshua.

A gulp is being heard by the two, the gulp that Lina did.

"H-hi b-boss! H-how are ya'?" Stuttering with almost each word. She tries to keep herself calm.

"Hello to you too. I'm feeling rather fine at the current moment, thank you very much for asking. But daily chit chats is not the damn reason I walked into her." He says calmly, entering into the room, pushing her out of the way.

Right after hearing that she panics. Lina gets on the ground, begging Joshua to not harm her, thinking he's going to talk about how she failed to keep Zick captured.

"Please boss! I know I should've kept Zick in here but he was stronger than me!" She says loudly, mumbling even more than before, as if her life depended on it.

He sighs, knowing that they escaped already. "I already damn know about that fool. It isn't surprising that a deformed robot like you can't even keep in a simple or deformed robot as well." Mocking her as the lower kind she is.

"I-I'm sorry boss, I'll get up now." After hearing that, Lina gets up. She thanks Mother that it was only an insult by Joshua and not a punishment of some sort.

"Good. Now I'll need you to come to my office now. Me and a friend will be waiting there for you. We have a plan to do." He says right before leaving like wind, giving back the silence that was in the room before his arrival.

Lina sighs in relief, putting her right arm against her forehead, calming herself. She sits on her bed for a minute before going to the boss's office.

The hour is 10:10. The girl enters the office cautiously. Sounds of her wheel are being heard throughout her entrance. Once again she doesn't want to enter trouble with higher beings.

In the big empty office, there are two people at the desk in the middle. The first person is Joshua, sitting on his golden chair. The second one is Dorothy, Jean's girlfriend, standing next to him like a body guard to Lina's surprised.

"Welcome." Dorothy chuckles, feeling superior than the deformed lady. "So are you ready for what Joshua plans?"

"Can you shut your damn mouth Dorothy?" He rises up, staring straightly at the lover of his brother. "Did I give you permission to talk?"

"You seem calmer than before Joshy, what happened?" The pink dressed lady says with her middle finger poking the boss's chest More than once. "What happened to the hot headed prince?"

Lina lowers her head, thinking a big argument will occur. Seeing Joshua quickly grabbing Dorothy's arm, shocking the pink lady.

"Of course I am calmer before. I was mad from seeing you and my damn brother having sex while the mansion was falling apart!" Joshua says loudly, gripping tightly on her arm. "Remember who I am or I have no idea what I'll do to you. Got it?"

Awkward is the name of what everyone felt in the room. Lina turns her face away, trying to be irrelevant with the two others remembering what they all gathered for.

"Ahem." Quickly Joshua tries to change the topic, sitting down and ignoring what just happened. "Listen, as you know, Jack and his friends have escaped. Currently now, Jean is out on the run on searching them." He rises again from his chair, putting a fist on the wooden table. "But he hasn't returned yet. Yes it only has been two hours but I know Jean, he's my brother after all. I can feel something fishy here and I need the help of you two."

"Uh... what can we do boss?" Lina asks, Scratching her head cluelessly.

"It's a good thing you asked. Since I can't go out, mostly because I need to manage everything for now, I need you two to go search for Jean and Jack. Go to separate parts of the city and search all over for them. If someone asks, say it's my orders. Got it you two?"

A few seconds of thought pass by, such a plan is great with many spikes ahead. No one can know what will happen and how it will end, a risk that everyone can take. Joshua's help and guidance can't lead to anything bad, according to the girls.

The two girls nod in agreement and go out of the room without even saying a word, accepting what's going on, with the office doors closing behind them.

Silence of the mansion gets broken easily once again by Lina, starting a conversation. "So... where are we going now?" Turning her head slowly at Jean's girlfriend, curious on what exactly the two should do.

"Well I got an idea." Suddenly right after saying so, Dorothy grabs Lina up by the shoulders in the air and against the wall as if she's a bully while Lina is the nerd of this situation. "I am going to find Jean while you go and find the others. I have my own business to do with him. Okay?"

"O-okay... just please let go of me. I won't bother you." The poor hanged girl says, gripping onto the pink lady's arms. A feeling of unimportance flows through her, causing her to look down in shame from the sad sensation of loneliness she is feeling at the current moment. Such a lonely feeling, something she went through countless times throughout her life, serving in the mansion itself and nothing more.

"That's what I wanted to hear." Dorothy throes Lina away from her, continued with the pink lady saying: "fucking stupid deformed robot," hurting and mocking Lina even more on the inside than the throw did to her outside.

After a few more minutes, the two ladies get ready with their weapons and head out of the mansion as well. Lina begins to roll on her one wheel, instead of legs, towards the south west of the city. With that, Dorothy jumps ahead, like Jean did, towards the south east of the city. they both are ready and are going through a journey as well, a journey of hunting.