
Chapter 03

Then a headache came out of nowhere, just what the hell is going on with out of nowhere shit that has been going on around me and to me since I got here, then I passed out all of a sudden but while unconscious that pain was still there.

I woke up and where exactly? So I looked around and I saw a guy walking towards me.

"Man I have been looking all over for you, where have you been?" the guy said to me

"What.." i said but before i continue a guy that i really recognize came up and said.

"Don't tell us that you don't know us again, I'm monty and he's Jasper so where have you been? We landed and you were gone all of a sudden" he said, but I don't know if it's another perk of mine that i have an identity here.

"Get up, we have some exploring to do with Clarke and few others" Monty said, but when he finished another headache hit me and this one was worse and many memory flashes came with it.

"Ahhhhh" I screamed while putting my two hands on my head, it was like my mind was going boom.

"Hey..what's wrong?" Monty asked

"My head feels like it's going to blow up" I replied to his question then I passed out again.

This time when I woke up i found no one except few unimportant side characters, so i sat and closed my eyes to see if i can view or recall the memory i just received.

My name is Matt and i was a guard at the Ark but i got locked up because i stole some medicine for my father who died after that, then like everybody else here i'm one of the 100.

"Matt...Matt, where the hell is Matt" someone kept screaming my name, so i stood up and went below and found Bellamy.

"I'm here.." I said.

"I want you to watch over my sister while I'm gone, take this" Bellamy said to me and gave me a gun.

So I took it and did what he said, I guarded his sister while he's gone, I stepped outside and saw that it's getting dark and everytime i walked something in my pocket made a metal sound so when I took that something out, it was a wristband.

I put it back in my pocket and kept watch at the entrance of the dropship, after i don't know how long has passed i heard screams and when i turned i saw wells and bellamy carrying poor injured jasper with them clarke at the front so i went and helped them out and returned the gun to bellamy and i noticed that he has a secondary one.

Anyway I tended to jasper and decided not to interfere with things here and keep my ability a secret while also being a main character.