The other's memories


Shortly after, the memory surfaced, and stood out more so than the others. The woman spoke. Her voice was pleasant; her face beautiful, with flawless pale skin, wide almond-shaped eyes and impeccable beautiful attire with a noble air.

"In this world, people focus on something that, to us, was trivial.

Of course, we live in the same society as those below us, but our circles?

Our circles were small; we lived far above them and treated these lowly ones as nothing more than cannon fodder.

Your beliefs?

Who cares.

Your system?

It means nothing to us.


It is nothing but an illusion. All of you were nothing more to us than playthings.

Haha haha, how stupid it is! Nothing more than an illusion for those high above us far out of reach to be entertained by.

That was before in the greed of the top families. We fell, we suffered, and as if nature itself found our ways simply disgusting, our hidden island was sunk. Because of this, we were forced to leave our safe haven, to live among those we had looked down upon."

"If that is so, mom, then we are different."

"Of course, those from the east said they were the motherland, but we knew otherwise. Those who were our slaves are now our equal."

"We may have lost our home and have become outnumbered but it is fine, each family will marry their sons to the daughters."

"The society is patriarchal."

"This has nothing to do with us, and will have not affect the families... Our families... Our kind. As long as our blood is not tainted, then we shall continue to prosper in this barbaric society."

"But, Mother, only two of us are left."

"We are the last from one of the great families, we are one of the purebloods … but, daughter, I rather you marry a normal man than bother with these trivial struggles. We have fallen far your second great grandmother took one husband and hid, and from there we had one child for the last four generations."

"Mother we are close to starving! We live in a village –"

"If they find you... Us … our life will be hard, the lines are different, Mother had said that females were plenty now, our –  it doesn't matter just listen to Mother."

"Alright, but I want a better life, and I will try my best with my studies."

"You were like us – a smart child – but do not stand out too much, make sure that you do not draw attention to yourself."

"Yes Mother; wherever I go, I will take you with me." 

I still could not understand how my body ended up in that tree. It seemed the memory would not rise from whichever depth it lay in.

I was unable to see the mother because, apparently, the body had been blindfolded. Sigh! What a pity.

What would Mother look like?

Her voice sounded pretty, though a bit authoritative.

It didn't matter. I have another chance at life and this body, as small as it is right now, had a history, I will see her eventually since the body had no memory of the woman.

It was fascinating when the memories flooded in officially: this body was twenty-five but looked ten.

The World here was totally different than where I was from.

I am a now basically an alien, a sort of human but a little more advanced. After three hundred years, my kind was bred out … ah, how sad.

Those that remained were a few families of around forty with their respective children, sisters, and whatnot.

After secretly crafting a boat, they swam into the vast ocean; deaths were obvious. This world had yet to be fully explored, and many families and children were lost. Since the time of earth women had slowly begun to decline – especially their own – so women were precious and, to ensure that each male had his respective heir, women were allowed two or more males.

A bit much, but well … with the memories, it is understood.

Still, I don't think I'd be comfortable having several males. Anyway, back to analyzing the memory.

While the ship sailed through the ocean, the families drew lines, forming a hierarchy. Those with the most contribution were ranked from twelve to one.

After two years we had found our island.

This was the history passed down through my family. For seven hundred years we prospered, but then one day a fight between titans in the ocean spelled our doom.

From a population of four hundred thousand, we were brought to just thirty.

A laughable thing when you think about it.

Well, at least here they were bred out; back home they killed each other and they were hunted.

Still, if you thought about it, the female to male ratio in the year 2032 was for every woman, eight men.

Still, the matriarchal society with multiple husbands was not accepted as easily as it was with a man having several wives.

Well, this was interesting.

I opened my eyes shortly after this world.

It was where you strove to live or die being idle.

Focusing on the connection with my mother, I tugged at it, and waited.

The good thing is that no matter where I went with this connection, Mother can find me anywhere in this world.

I just wonder, with the soul being...


I waited, but the system would not answer. I cursed the thing, wishing it would short circuit and cough electricity or something! Ah!