First Step: 2

I'd have never thought of this in my old life, but this body's mother was a genius at these things – something that was right now so handy I could not help but worship this woman as a goddess in my mind. Since we had discussed it before, we started separating rooms, which were all a decent size; enough for the beddings, a couch and a mat to practice on, because it would be stupid to stay idle those three months knowing we had to still struggle to survive during the remaining time once the freeze was over.

We also went on to build an area where the food will be prepared, where we have our meals and wash up, quickly. OK, so a kitchen –  though it's nowhere near a modern or sci-fi like one, here it had a U-shape one side made from red bark dried and grounded for the putter layer while the other side had cabinets and cupboards with hooks to hang cups and pots. I also had the boy, who I realized was named Cehn Sie, make a stove; when it is complete I bet it would be extremely nice. I even made a tick in my mind when he was finished. I can not kill this meat shield yet; he needs to be used up first before being sacrificed.

Now we were discussing the bathroom area, I had a style in mind for how I wanted to build my personal facilities, but this discussion is getting quite tedious.

"Shouldn't we build a bathing area connecting to each of our rooms?" I voiced out, annoyed that I had to share my bath. Ah! I find it so unhygienic to share my bath!

"Mmm, sure, but it would take up time and the foundation isn't big enough for each of us to have a bath; the plan laid out for the foundation... you have everything well organised, but not for the extra bath." Cehn said.

"Then let us do it like this –  girls can share and the boy can have his own, " I chirped. Ah! How can I forget an extra bath when drawing it up?

Sigh… to bathe like this… Well, if that is how it will be, the Japanese style would be used. A Japanese style bath. All of that anime I had watched had inspired me to get rich just so I can have a marble bath/steam/shower open plan.

Of course, I had spent money to visit those places back home but it was the cost of five nights of my salary and it had only lasted two hours. I literally cried each time when I had to leave.

"Alright, I have no objections."

"Me either..."

I glared at them both, one was a guy who had his own shower while the next I had to share with this crying weak female, maybe I should really sacrifice them sooner rather than later.

I thought seriously in my mind a moment but then I spoke up, knowing we are pressed for time.

"Then let us finish up with the other rooms, followed by the two baths last before building the roof."

Cehn suddenly spoke up.

"How many more days will it take?" 

"I have no idea presently, Cehn Sie, perhaps about in total six days including the roof if we continue without breaks, shaving off two days - perhaps four. We need to make sure that the roof is fully sealed... If we do it carefully, chceking each part and reinforcing it, then it might take an extra day. That would probably be the best result because we also need our home to blend in and cover our scents, so we don't suddenly have any uninvited guests."

I explained everything carefully while continuing with my task.

"That's good, we have a ventilation system that I have stored to use," Cehn said.

What a useful boy, while I think the girl had-

"I have a waste system, that can be used for the water we use." 

I blinked, how come all I had were useless things?

Did I miss something when the competition started? I felt a bit dejected when the thought came to mind.

"I have my brain, I will help with making all of the household items," 

I said in all seriousness though I felt somewhat depressed inwardly.

"If it wasn't for you, we would have died long ago, with your skills our survival is a surety!" 

This girl Wincu is extremely good at flattering me. I eyed her before walking away.

We did not have much time, now so we had to move faster, before being discovered.

I was sure not many students knew about the grass; they might not be the majority, but enough that being found out before we were prepared would be annoying.

For the next few days, I spent making the tiles for the bathroom with the dirt that resembled clay, it will take a while to dry them and have it form into that pretty purple colour.

I smiled. Even if this lavender colour is not my favourite, it was quite pretty.