My room was situated on the second level of the B level section since I was ranked tenth in class. I released a sigh then thought to myself, slightly annoyed, that I should have had the system register a bit more of my kill count instead of being lazy at that time; I'd probably been in the middle ten among the B class. Oh well I'm ranked okay, so it's not to bad I suppose. Ah yeh, the entire reason for me even tampering with my skills is because I wanted to have a sloth life smooching off both Wincu and Cehn.
Reaching my room, I gazed a while at the door, which was tinted and crafted from reinforced glass –dark grey glass; how boring. I quickly scanned my hand as it slid away and I entered the room.
Taking it in, I had to admit it was decent even though it was the second B level, but all was fine. I was still placed decent enough compared to those in C, D and E classes.
The living room was plain, straight lines and some edges with minimum curves, giving it a more spacious look. Scattered around the room were a U-shaped couch (which was a light colour yellow with pale orange, yellow and white cushions) and a coffee table flanked by two oversized single-seater chairs.
When I turned to the right, what I saw was a fair-sized kitchen with all the basics: six burner flat top stove, with sort of L-shaped units. Stepping forward I spied the inside and noticed it reminded me of built-in cupboards, mostly European style. Directly in the middle of the spacious kitchen was placed a dining glass table, surrounded by four chairs, I approved of this in my head because the kitchen was not just basic, but almost perfect.
Exiting and closing the door, I then turned to the opposite direction and peeped inside of the first door. There I saw a simple style, three-fixture bathroom containing a sink, toilet and bath.
Not interested, since I needed to choose which bedroom I wanted before the roommate arrived, I stepped back closing the door. Exiting, I went to the next door about ten steps away and glimpsed a bedroom. Inside was not bad; this seemed a bit more feminine with sea-green accents. The bed was not bad, either, with two bedside tables a slightly darker green than the room itself. It looked extremely modern but, somehow, it was not to my taste so I left and walked to the next door.
This one, when I opened the door, I liked right away.
This reminded me of a "traditional colonial style".
It looked a bit old and no way feminine with earthen tones ranging from dark to light brown; the only saving grace it had was the floral designs and thick rug underneath the large bed covered with around six pillows ranging in different sizes.
Anyway, two plush chairs filled both corners of the room, I can even tell it was even larger than the previous one with the mobile closet to hang my uniform and coats, an area for my shoes and paired with two matching dressers I thought to myself that I can fold my other type of clothing I would wear casually and underthings.
I peeked at the double doors which, even though they reminded me of the earth since they looked almost exactly like "French double doors" – erm yeh – the material was made from a type of wood that gave it a beautiful shine and I was sure that they were reinforced.
Opening the double doors I smiled at the sight from the patio. It had a wonderful view of total red and blue with hints of pink scattered throughout inside.
The wild floral scent was teasing my nose; I closed my eyes and inhaled then scanned my surroundings, taking note of the two iron chairs and table, before stepping back inside and closing the doors.
Since I had picked this room and was satisfied, I then preceded to take out a few items to make it seem a bit more personal; after all, I'd be here for the next decade or so.
The best thing about my mom handing me the other storage band is that I had a massive amount of space where I could store the house we made and the beasts along with all the things I had plundered during the test.
On that note, when hen I have free time I will make sure to split it with them since the school will not monitor us as much now.
Stripping, I stepped into the shower and began the process of cleaning, making sure I got every area. Finished, I decided to air dry and pat my hair gently so it can dry and not be tangled.
Using an oil I dealt with my body, making sure to keep it moisturised, and then my hair before pulling on a loose shirt and long baggy pants followed by socks and house shoes.
When I walked out, I went to look for food, hoping we would have some around. Though we can use the wristbands here to deliver nutrients to the body, similar to the ones we had on the island, it costed coins.
As a First-year, you are issued with coins worth 3k, and those are used to purchase all of your necessities.
After that coins are earned after certain activities; for instance, if you joined a club and it is recognised, when you complete assignments given by the lecturer (... Ugh, saying 'teacher' would be better, but whatever …) The next is also your rank every term and overall after the school year. Even if your parents send you assets they would be worthless on the school grounds, since the school used their currency only.
Therefore, all students worked hard in order to survive. Of course, you can share your coins as well, but I would not do that easily, if at all.
Looking around the tiny kitchen, I found nothing edible, so I took out some meat I had stored and cooked that into a stir-fry, then sat and began eating.