Calculating the Haul

Since the system will not be replying anymore, I returned to the dual screens in front of me and continued to take note of my haul.

Right, so where was I? Ah, right - 

A hundred and five katrice that looked a lot like dyed ostriches. Ah! they were delicious and their feathers were excellent for stuffing pillows. They were so soft, and large –  five of their feathers alone could stuff a pillow. Thinking on it, I decided I will not sell their feathers; I'll keep them and make a few things in the future –  even things that can be given as gifts. With that in mind, I tossed that thought to the back of my head, then swapped to the next category and began to calculate. There were seventy-seven zwan, which was a type of python – though they have menacing horns on their heads. I was not a fan of these creatures, really, so I can sell all of them – but I intend to keep the skin, since snakeskin clothing is quite cooling.

There were two hundred of those volcanic Seigh; their fur had a natural thermal element, good for keeping in the heat; they will be kept. I don't think I'd be able to lie low if I sold any. I had heard that the super-wealthy from this world derived from the "hot lands" – well, I'll properly call it the desert – that's what I'm used to anyway. Those guys tend to prefer unique clothing to fight against the heat and these would be perfect, similar to a walking air conditioning unit. Perhaps I can gift one or two to Cehn; that will help him rank up quickly.

With a nod I scanned the remainder of my items which included the forty-eight Xank whose fur would help me fight off the cold. I wished I had more but they were extremely swift and elusive so, again, I could not sell those. So far calculating the haul what I had stored could last even after graduation.

Ah crap, I had pets I'd need to feed so maybe I'd suffer a bit; I growled at the thought of feeding them and came up with a plan to maybe pass them to my mother to release on that island to feed themselves.

Finished taking stock, I peeked at the time, noticing that outside was already late.

Stretching a bit, I pulled out a loose shirt and baggy pants and shoes, piling my hair on top my head and heading out of my room.

Deciding that I should check on the others, I typed in the group chat we had created.

{hey wincu} Jie

{hey Wu Jie, what's up?} win

{yo} cehn

{I'm going to sell some stuff} Jie

{alright want me to come?} min

{yes, I need to pass some over to you guys... I'm mean I know you have some but still} Jie

{I'm already going out the door Jie, where are you?} win

{I just left my apartment, heading down to the transporter} Jie

{I will meet you guys there, I need to dress} cehn

{oki} win

{alright} jie

Closing the chat window, I lifted my head and smiled at Wincu who strolled up next to me at that moment. Without saying a word, we continued to the transporter which was located at the end of the hall.

Reaching it, Wincu spoke first.

"Hello, student Wincu rank 9 level B, this is Student Wu Jie rank 10 B level. We would like to sell materials." A woman dressed in white replied, nodding after confirming our names, ranks and features.

"So, the material room. Alright, step forward both of you and I will transport you to your destination." 

She entered our information and then the coordinates. My vision went blank for a minute before it cleared and we stood in a hall we did not recognise.

"Please move to your requested location. Third door on the left," a woman said with a stern face. She wore the normal uniform with her green hair secured in a low bun.

"Yes, thank you," I said, grabbing Wincu and slowly walking towards where she pointed.

Near the door, Wincu announced that Cehn was nearby, and so we waited until he caught up.

In his uniform, I could not help eying him. Before, Cehn had a decent physique, but in that Year One uniform he looked extremely handsome for a thirteen-year-old boy.

Well, he was actually forty-five. Pity he was still a mere young boy to me.

No matter. He still looked good in his inside button-down shirt and tie with his jacket and his three quarter pants shoes and socks. It would more adequately be described as a fish-tailed suit jacket with the split from the waist area at the back.

For junior students, this attire was a must. His inside shirt was stitched with gold, however, showing him as ranked among the top students. Well, what we had set out to achieve was met.

I am quite satisfied with this.

"Soon, Cehn, we can smooch off of you," I joked, he stared down at me; I felt like kicking him to have him bow down to me, even if it was just from pain.

"I will be waiting, Wu Jie," he replied.

I smiled, while beside me Wincu seemed to have zoned out.

"Wu Jie, don't smile like that oh my poor heart, I swore for a moment I saw a deity near this mortal!" 

My mouth twitched at the girl, the nonsense she spews sigh.

Little did I know though was that Cehn had the same thoughts.