"Rising suns, class!"
The entire class rose as one immediately and echoed her greetings.
"'Rising suns, class lecturer!'"
(Ah.. 'Good morning' was better; this seems a bit blah.)
"Have a seat class. I will be your class lecturer for the duration of your time in the first year section B. My name is Sonya Greaves. For every rising suns class we will meet, reviewing your scores and the previous suns' performance in your other classes." The lecturer Sonya Greaves explained in detail about the other classes we will be taking.
"…The major will be survival and the structure of our society, so that each of you will understand your place within it."
Well, then... At least it was stated clearly from the beginning so that any illusions the students had will be erased to make way to reality.
I had no illusions: the Wu family had stipulated that by accepting me as their daughter. As a family who had been quite absent from society for many years, it was hard enough to distinguish if I really was a daughter or not, either way, it did not matter because each document that has been produced introducing me into the society stated that I am their daughter.
Sadly, though this was not something that could be glossed over. For example, Wincu had approached me for being a part of the Wu family and being acknowledged as their daughter. Now, though, thinking of that, I was foolish to say I am not their real daughter when each document clearly stated such and even my blood matches theirs, thanks to my mother.
What a headache! Really, I need to remember it like I have two mothers.
One birthed me and will die soon while the other will continue to raise me as the daughter she never had.
"As you all have been told by your fifth-year introduction students already, the school has four terms; each term has twenty weeks. For the first five, each of you will be taught the basics. After that, the level will increase. The level system here is simple; it is designated by numbers one to ten. As of now you are at level one. This will increase two weeks before the final exams depending on your performance and will then be solidified after the results have been issued via school information board on the nineteenth week. All students will have self-study. The first term will not have free time, nor the second term. During the entire second year, all students will be banned from contacting friends or family members. Upon the third year there will be a pre-test in preparation for the final test, after which will be a graduation. During the third year students will be given ten days of freedom after the pre-test, including an opportunity to visit family and purchase supplies in preparation for the final test and graduation. Upon succession, students will then enter highschool …"
For a while, there were several loud whispers, but soon the room was silent, when the lecturer opened her mouth to speak once again.
"For students, who have been sheltered most your life, it is fine if you have a few issues for the first term, but that will be all the time you will be given. The school is here to prepare you for the next step in your lives. In order to survive in our world, one must always depend on their own strengths and power. Failure, as you are aware, will result in termination, just like the test performed before official entry into the school."
Ah, dear old life, I miss you.
I swear I'll never complain-
An image popped up in my mind and I closed my eyes, shoving the startling pain away.
This is the first day. I can't allow anything to damage my image - going crazy would not just damage it, but definitely shatter it!
"Alright, with everything needed to be said out of the way, I would like each of you to please stand, say your name and age from the front left directly to the right and across in a zig-zag motion. While the children are introducing themselves, please be silent or suffer the consequences. Thank you."
With a gesture to the first child who stood, her face slightly haughty and began.
"My name is Zahra Gegner, I am thirty-five years old."
The next stood directly beside her, another girl slightly darker with a middle Eastern look. Her skin was a pretty tawny brown with a sepia coloured thick hair that reminded me of the bonded hair I used to wear back on my own World.
(Sigh, it was really nice wearing bonded hair but the price, ah the price, it would make one want to cough blood if it was not necessary for an image.)
Even her voice was pretty when she spoke,
"Hello classmates, my name is Nyla Cambridge I am thirty-five years old."
My eyes almost fell out of their sockets, inside my head I flipped the table in rage, I froze expecting a shock from the system but got nothing so I decided to continue with my inward rant.
Her voice was pretty.
There were no poetic words because I might end up sounding pathetic so I stayed humble and said she sounded pretty, looked pretty and even had a pretty name.
Her status is probably high as well. Ah! I suddenly feel jealous.