I closed my eyes and clenched my fist, whispering the name.
It was against my will that I said her name, but who cares, right?
She was there and there was no one else I could call for but her.
I felt a suffocating pain in my heart for some reason; bothersome! If I tore out that organ, would the pain go away?
I could not help myself but wish for the system to take this sort of pain away.
"Wu Jie..." Wincu whispered softly, but I shook my head, allowing Cehn to leave.
So he was from earth – the male I had asked to die for me and he gladly did.
Finally, I released a dry laugh. Ah, this was karma, right?
For trying to have some form of freedom and falling for prey?
Ah... but does it count? I-
Vision blurring, sadness for a moment rising.
"Ahhh… Why? Why is it always me?"
"Shut to hell up, get rid of these feelings! Make this... Make this pain go away,"
After all, who wanted to remember killing the one they fell in love with? Who wanted to commemorate the shame of falling in love with prey?
Will host like to set a time limit on this?
The maximum for emotional termination is a duration of four years on this world>
"Will it affect me?"
"Then enable it for the 4 years, I don't care! Just make the pain go away!" I roared.
Applying termination.
Force termination for a duration of 4 years beginning immediately>
I gasped, my eyes widening. The uncomfortable feeling from before faded away and suddenly it was gone.
Unburdened by the stifling feelings, I shoved that rising memory away immediately, a while later drifting in, the tender, delicate voice of Wincu, calling my name.
"Wu Jie, are you...?"
I replied absentmindedly so she would quickly shut up and I can then focus a bit on everything.
"I am fine, Wincu. You may return to your room,"
"Alright then please stay safe,"
Watching her leave, I then sat there alone, I'd passed out due to the system, I somehow received which upgraded.
Small images of my sisters-
"System, were they..."
"I see."
I clenched my fist.
This life was the work of my true mother, for all of us her children who had failed in our first life. I can't even remember how I had first died. Mother would not allow me to, anyway.
This was a blessing, I suppose, but the youngest sister... She had been gone for so long.
The extremely calculative one from the pod.
"Youngest sister, what are you doing? You are the only one who was not directly connected to us."
It was a regret of the three sisters who shared one female host to birth them.
After that day, I hadn't seen Cehn for the next five years.
I stuck with the act of being a submissive, following Wincu. Secretly, in my room, I trained and studied.
It was a miracle really that I was still in the B class because I was deemed "weak".
Right now, I started out on my patio with various transparent displays up.
On this world, the grass had three colours: silver, red, and green. At the moment green was presently more prominent, a testament of the season, which was winter.
Seriously, it was weird while it was cold as hell outside and the grass was green as if this was earth – an utter stark contrast, if you ask me. My brain kept trying to make the reconciliation, as the green grass reminded me so much of summers on earth.
Yet I had to keep reminding my brain that this was not earth.
I sighed. I can never let go of the memories of earth, I guess.
The trees that were but a scattered few were extremely large in size, towering high above forming a natural canopy to create a shelter from the blazing suns and the biting cold.
Most were peach blossom trees giving off a wonderful subtle scent.
The colours varied from lime green to orange, extremely eye-catching, though I preferred the pretty pink I would seldom watch during those "martial arts" Chinese films back on earth whenever I was free.
It could never beat the "sea grapes" that grew by the seaside back home, even though they were not as attractive as the beautiful blossoming plants I still reminisced about the wonderful taste.
Or even the mangoes I would seldom climb the tree and picked savouring the wonderful sweetness – or if it was still green, sourness.
Shaking away the images of me being naughty as a child, I focused on the screens.
My subjects were all in the passable margins.
From the letters and percentages allocated I was mostly B and C ranked in every subject with enough B so I may stay in the B class as the ranked 10th student without much effort.
In school, I was not always the smartest. Some children were obviously uncannily perverse genius students, so I never bothered to try to stand out, just continued to keep my place as is.
In the B rank, one must have a score between 70% and 85% to stay in the B rank or above that to enter the A-ranked classes.