Allow Me To

I wanted to curse my luck.

I had thought Zesteri was gone, so I decided to walk alone. I mean, I am arrogant enough that I could defend myself easily against these pansies in the school, but who would have thought that this rank-one student would do something so contemptible! T-this-

It was simply a well-laid trap.

I thought that I laid low enough or...

"Open the door, Wu Jie, or do you want to be discovered by another student?" I paused to stare up at his flawless face. F**k is this a beauty contest or something for men? And that gaze… His gaze looked enough to devour me-

Did I offend this fool? If I did, where? I had avoided him like a plague up til this point and it had been great, so ah… Why?

Biting my bottom lip subconsciously I opened the door, stepping inside unwillingly. Using my senses, I searched for my roommate but didn't find her presence. However, just to be safe, I led him to my room, feeling quite annoyed that this-

"Wu Jie, allow me to become one of your males."


Say what now? I froze, staring at the male who had just spewed nonsense directly to me.

"… Allow. Me. To. Become. One. Of. Your. Males," I think my mind had a mini-explosion, males? Me? Have males? I only desire one. Only one is enough to give me that much needed child.

Zesteri was extremely tall, at least in comparison to my measly height. He had porcelain-like skin, sharp cheekbones, peach blossom shaped eyes, a straight noble like nose and cupid bow lips that were neither thin nor full.

Zesteri had the all-famous mohawk style, giving him a bad boy vibe.

With the button-up shirt opened to expose his collarbone, which drew my eyes subconsciously, I found him scary, but also extremely alluring.

"No, thank you." It's best to shoot down a duck quickly before it got ahead of itself. I mean, he said 'males.' If he could tolerate other males, then he probably is one of those types that would cheat and defend himself by saying that I have multiple males.

Ready to walk out and leave this fool, he spoke once again.

"Why?" I tilted my head slightly upwards so I can observe him clearly, then said those four words.

"I can't control you."

"Wu Jie Tyna, if you become my mate ill be yours and my sole focus would be only you."


Did they not say that this man was normally merciless?

What is with him acting so... Gentle?

I stared at him dumbfounded. This male usually had a cold, aloof exterior but now his gaze was filled with warmth and... Eh? Gentleness? Involuntarily, my entire body shivered.

"I bought you a bottle of rare gyoaten milk, it is good for foundation stability."

Ah, who cares what he was before. That beast was elusive. I've heard of this type of milk, but never had an honour of tasting. I snatched the milk and swallowed it down, then sighed.

Somehow, though, I felt strange; first hot, extremely so, and abashed. I sprang on the male I front of me wrapping all four limbs around him then captured his lips.

It was like tasting cold frost. My tongue raked over his teeth forcing them to part to explore his mouth, twirling in a mating dance with his tongue.

I moaned, gripping the back of his head, tightening my legs around his narrow waist.

Using my innate strength I shoved him onto the bed stranding him pulling away slowly my lids were half-closed as my body seem to grow hotter and hotter needing to feel him. The system suddenly blared in my head in warning.

Flushing system and vaporizing impurities.

Warning! vitality reduced due to forced heat by 20%

Normal functions will be returned in twenty seconds. >

"What is that you gave me to drink student Zesteri?" I demanded, glaring down at the dazed look of the man under me. It took a bit for me to realise that I still straddled him and quickly I went to move, but then I felt his hands gripping my tiny waist.

"Wu Jie..."

I cursed, this body is a fourteen-year-old!

What if I didn't snap out of that, would I have-

"Wu Jie... That milk was fresh I had specially prepared it just for you. I don't know why you reacted that way. Wu Jie I… I... I like you."

I glowered at him, regardless of how intimidating he looked. Right now, those beautiful elongated eyes were clear, proving that what he said was true.

His voice, even though it was adolescent, was still smooth.


"I need a mate soon, yes?"

I didn't reply to this, instead I contemplated upon it. There is still time. Should I accept a male who clear as the rank one is competent?

Even if he had a coquettish look right now, he was known as an extremely cold male in the entire school. This deterred many girls from even approaching or seeing how extremely handsome he was and – the final nail in the coffin – Zesteri was from an extremely powerful family.

"I am still young, student Zesteri. Please leave."

I stood after delivering those words and headed directly to the bathroom, locking the door.

Inside I closed my eyes, thoughts running wild. Cursing inwardly, I stripped and stepped into the shower to clean myself.

I'm not disgusted by him. His scent was pleasant, but still, I felt as if I had done some sort of irreversible sin.

Finished, I went through the normal route of drying my skin and moisturising it. I proceeded to pull an outfit from my wrist band I usually kept as an emergency, then exited. When I was out, I saw that he was no longer there, but his scent dominated the room.

Thinking that Wincu was probably waiting, I then sent her a message and left the room, heading to the teleporter.

Sigh, why was it him?

At least with Cehn, I had control; even that cold beauty – but him?

Zesteri is an entirely different level!

Shaking those unnecessary thoughts away, I stepped from the teleporter and saw Wincu standing to the side.