Why an Island?


The mother.

The daughter paused, her relentlessly beautiful face squinted in thought before she spoke once more.

"My island where I lived back on earth was tiny. We had been told that those humans were among our first settlers," Kystal felt a pang at the confirmation that her daughter was truly gone and what replaced her soul was another.

For many world cycles, Kystal had thought on this but then she had only seen her spawn before it passed away to be replaced by this soul a total of three times and even then the time spent could be counted on one hand only. During her mourning, Kystal had neglected her egg even when it had hatched the spawn had been all alone starved for five suns cycles before she had remembered to bring it food.

"Mother, you had mentioned before of the island our kind had abandoned." 

"Mmm... I have and I will tell you about that soon,"
