Love? (various POV)

 With the giant stingray torpedoing upwards from my punch I followed quickly, my mind a jumbling mess.

Will a hippo try attacking me now? 

Will piranhas appear now? 

Or some giant front thing? 

Wait! Will someone try using me as a sacrificial lamb again and – oh f*ck, I need to get my revenge! 

Like really, how could this ungrateful ingrate dare to shove me in the water! 

What if.. What if I had not reacted in time? I would have been ripped apart again! 

There is no way I will let this fool off easily! 

Reaching the surface, I was met by a wonderful sight before my eyes. 

"Student.. Student.. Ah.. Ah... Sav... Save... Save me!" 

I watched, bobbing in the water as she was pulled under. Do I look that stupid for real..?

Wait, I should have said honestly… ah.. Who cares! I think this girl is on something.