Hoping For an Accident

"Thank you, mas-"

"Tyna - or simply Wu Jie."

"Hehe, I'm sorry it is just after that one time the urge is just..."

I stood and looked at her. Why is it that she seemed so pitiful? A girl so pretty should smile more, patting her once more I then gestured for her to leave.

"I can do the dishes and cle-"

"There is no need. Please do as I have instructed and we will see each other in class. Any other issues that you have in between that time please feel free to comm me and I will reply as soon as I can."

"Alright ma- erm… Wu Jie."

I smiled at her, then turned to clean up the dishes.

I did not notice the lost look in Wincu's eyes or the disguised need right before she turned and left.

If I did, I might have asked her to slit her throat, but it didn't matter.