Drowning in Beauty

Say wha?

I suddenly felt as if a bomb had been dropped, my feet rooted to the spot where I stood motionless as if I had suddenly become an empowered robot – eyes kind of glazed and unfocused, while part of my bottom lip was being chewed on out of sheer shock.

My heart at this moment was no longer a butterfly, gentle in its flight, but a flying fish taking flight for a short while before plunging back into the water repeatedly. It literally wanted to take flight out of my chest but was unable to.

His words were just too deep.


I, Wu Jie Tyna... Take several males?


This girl was clean in her last life…not one "hoe" had ploughed my "fields" (she hadn't been penetrated.. Ah you can guess the hoe and fields..) I had no desire right now to either way, even though –  sure –  I wanted kids... I had no desire for the … what? Next two hundred years!