Can You Cook?

The hand was gentle, but the smell was not something I was familiar with. This in itself was quite puzzling.

Someone dared to approach me after what had just occurred. Were they not brave, even going so far to wipe my face?

From the small slit growing larger by each swipe of the cloth by this mysterious person with such a big heart.

My vision soon slowly cleared; what I noticed first was that I could still see both males and Wincu standing not too far away. Each had various facial expressions of building fury. From this, I understood clearly that this person was a bother in the eyes of these three and that this person truly had a heart, ah!

If I was greeted by such a sight like Wong and Cehn I would be afraid, truly afraid, but this person was still wiping like nothing was wrong.

Cehn, for one, looked like he would blow a gasket, with the veins on his forehead bulging, with those perfectly shaped eyes seeming to... Eh?