heh? pardon? 2

"The water has risen; we must leave here for a safer place that has a decent enough natural defense. First, the tent needs to be collected, and all scattered supplies stored. Do any of you guys have an idea where we can go?" I pulled up the map of the swamp lands thanking my upgrade that it had become much more detailed. Looking at the map I thought of heading to the most exposed part, but that didn't seem so smart, with so much space it might give whatever dwelled in the water more space to gather.

"Head to the denser areas of the forest, Wu Jie. We will have a natural cover and plenty other species to use as meat shields," Wong said, I turned to him and smiled. This is my man! What perfect thoughts!

For a while we discussed some more and then concluded everything for now.

Though, I think it is best to simply allow the three males to come up with a conclusion because I will focus solely on expanding the mirror tree house.