Break time

The Hammer had been put away; Zesteri appeared and took me in his arms. Alright! I'm calm.

I'm totally calm, I'm not going to die here, I have meat shields around, and they were sturdy. 

I breathed in Zesteri. He stared down at me with a concerned gaze, elongated eyes that were usually void of care but filled with coldness now had a look that had me slightly baffled for a moment in my recovering state.

I really need to consider myself. This was truly something I needed to control. 

Losing it like a crazy person each time the god of death visited me.

Softly, I informed Xi'An to release me.

"Xi'An release me, I can stand."

"As your pre-mates, we can not help but be concerned." This was spoken by Cehn who crowded close. Wong silently watched, his eyes like crashing waves displaying turbulent emotions.

"I am fine."