Pre-Test Day One (2) (Various POV)

The morning had been fine, truly it was – in the beginning at least.

I had slept fitfully, after almost being devoured by first Zesteri, and later Cehn. Wong, bless him, was a sweetheart who only embraced me in a warm hug. Sitting up, I entered the bathroom to first relieve myself, then cleaned my mouth, and then took a nice hot shower. Who would have thought that upon my exit there would be a transmission? Biting my lip, I quickly finished up and exited.

"Master…" Wincu greeted with a smile. Already fully dressed, this soul-servant of mine is extremely dependable. Alright, she will definitely not die a foolish death. 

At least, until she betrayed me. 

"This is bothersome. I'm starving!"

Grumbling my dissatisfaction, I absentmindedly greeted Wincu who, bless her, had breakfast already laid out.