Pre-Test Day One (4)

Wong knew exactly what Wu Jie's motive was. He struggled within himself, trying desperately to resist the urge rising like a crescendo to pull her into his arms and plunder her with his tongue, while caressing her still developing form. Those slightly large eyes stared up at him, void of everything else except her innocence sparking like silver gems, surely with secrets only she knew hidden deep within those depths. How could he deny his future wife and mother of his young?

Simply, he could not. Instead Wong could only give in to his little woman by tapping her nose, holding her back, and proceeding to giving her an almost indistinguishable nod. Wong found himself tensing when she smiled. Immediately, he heard the various smiles and exclamations around, so he stepped in front of her, flanked by both Wincu and that pathetic excuse for a female Zia, effectively blocking the view of those eyesores.