
"Don't be angry Wu, I am sorry," Claress said in an apologetic tone, I paid her little heed, simply because I felt slightly tipsy. 

It is a miracle I could even walk straight; I felt like I would simply pass out right now from the excess heat.

Did the milk here have alcohol content or something? A naggy feeling filled my mind at the thought of that. Did I not have a weird reaction before like this?

The memory surfaced, but that memory was me jumping Xi'An, but that reaction was, ah.. Yeh much more embarrassing. This reaction was much more easygoing. 


What if this was like those sneaky ones where you suddenly get blindsided and jump people regardless of male or female? 

I froze, blinked owlishly, then decided its best to bother the system to help me out. 

'System, clean my blood stream of this thing and analyse it to see why I am reacting this way.'