
"Now this is how people ought to live", mused Tom.

Two weeks down the line, the experience of living in a modern utopia where even acts of aggression were punishable offences was nothing short of a heavenly experience for a person who has spent his recent years in a warlike state.

As Tom sat with Alice in a cafeteria and gaily sipped his cappuccino, he could not help but wonder if his own version of the world might be like this if the war had never taken place. When he thought of this ultra modern world, his thoughts led him towards the wide picturesque boulevards with their high rises, micrometer robots that could cure all infectious diseases and a future smoothie called Deetli that was just irresistible. The people here ambled carelessly and the sound of song and laughter echoed everywhere in the evenings.

All these things seemed so simple to guarantee, yet Tom had the example of his own world to show that, sadly, even these could not be taken for granted. Life in this world was different. Tom had been taken by surprise when his confused employer had told him that the workweek there consisted of only four days. Even by doing petty chores, Tom and Alice earned enough to live comfortably.

"You know, Tom, I've been thinking about your grandfather." said Alice.

"Yes, Alice, what about him?" asked Tom.

"Maybe he didn't die in the war, maybe he-" she broke off mid sentence and looked behind him, aghast. Tom smiled, sensing a joke and turned to look behind his back. What Tom saw gave him the jolt of his life. Sitting on the table immediately behind him was his old neighbourhood gang. Leeper was smiling.