Save the World?

"Here, you can try this one. It's sweet and savory but won't dry out your throat." Yuuki gave a chocolate biscuit to the little fairy. It was delicious, but she didn't forget to share it with her fellow foodies.

"Mm, thanks. Maybe you're new to this, but whatever Ely cooks is always delicious." Nell took the biscuit and devoured it.

"Ely?" Yuuki glanced at the Goddess, then back at the little fairy. She asked for a confirmation.

"Mm, yes. Didn't Ely introduce herself and us to you earlier in the hot spring?" Nell didn't hesitate to enlighten the clueless.

"Oh! Ye, the Goddess Ely! I had the honor of meeting a divine being, and am even now blessed to know her name. Full of gratitude to my good fortune and wonderful destiny." Yuuki clasped her hands together with a grateful expression.