Pleasant Chat

Elysia let out a subtle sigh when she saw Evelyn happily exchanging ideas with Vanessa, Yuuki, and Sylvia. It was as if Evelyn felt already part of the group after receiving Elysia's confession.

"Isn't that a good thing? It doesn't matter whether you are weak or strong. The most important thing is that we can be of use to the master and lighten some of the burdens on her shoulders. There is a limit to what one person can do. And that's why the Goddess of Light made Master Elysia her precious disciple." Vanessa closed her eyes at his wise advice.

"Mm, I'm still weak and can't be of much help, but it won't stay for long. For now onwards, please take care of me, senior sisters!" Evelyn was happy and gave her senior sisters a slight bow of respect.

"Don't be shy to ask for help."

"You're not weak, and please don't ever think you're a burden. You are amazing."

"Your feelings and loyalty matter"

"Murder is okay."