
After absorbing the crystal, I had no choice but to lounge around. Kaiser never handed me back the government phone, which wasn't unlocked anyways, and I have nowhere to be at.

So I decided to watch TV. The screen wasn't very large, it also wasn't a flat screen so the quality was dubious but… it was the best they had! Either this syndicate didn't make much money or it was for some reason much harder to own a tv than a phone in this place.

This was a very skeptical point. I was inclined not to believe it but if you look at it another way. What's the best way to monitor and manage people? Phones.

People take them everywhere and the things that they are allowed to do on it are securely managed. I had no way to confirm this thought but… I had no choice but to believe this.

The television was currently playing a very exquisite show. Yes, it was about jade-like glistening green blades …of grass.

[Welcome back to the grass growing show!]

The government propaganda was over and they were back to the regular program. I almost wish they hadn't though… Now before you start judging people, think about it like this…

You have never seen a certain thing. This something is said to be nearly extinct or exotic. Wouldn't you like to have a look? THIS was why the people here could enjoy watching the grass grow! The novelty of it! ...that or the radiation has messed up their heads.

I tried to keep watching but I really couldn't. Instead, I headed towards the pool table.

Perhaps I could learn a thing or two by making some acquaintances. I've never been quite social but I can handle my own when it comes down to it.

"Hey, mind if I get a turn?" I asked as I approached the group. There were a total of four people.

"F*cking hell!" The one who I was directly behind jumped in freight and managed to miss the cue ball altogether. He was a middle-aged man that wore some ragged clothing.

"Where'd you come from? Never mind forget it, no." The opponent of the previous middle-aged man asked me before simply denying my request.

"Isn't that a bit too cold?" I asked them. We had started off on the wrong foot. I can't say I wasn't expecting this quite honestly.

"Hmph, I think you are too impetuous young man" Someone watching from the sidelines told me. He dressed comfortably and seemed to be in his 40s.

I couldn't exactly disagree with his conclusion since all of my actions up until now have been done on a whim. Of course, that didn't mean he had any right to say that.

"I was just looking to meet my new colleagues" I said with a smile. I didn't come here to provoke anybody after all.

"Alright then, let him take my turn. It's about time I leave anyways" The fourth person, one who was also watching from the sidelines, said as he stood up from his seat. He seemed to be one of the youngest, maybe that was why he was so flexible.

"In that case, I'll thank you." I told him before saying my goodbyes. I also took his seat and watched the match progress.

Initially, the whole game was pretty cold, probably had something to do with me being there. They eventually however seemed to have forgotten about my existence. It wasn't that exaggerated but they certainly seemed to be ignoring my presence and chatting freely.

"Yo, did you hear about what happened to the military?" Spoke the middle-aged man's opponent as he lined up his shot. I naturally perked up my ears to listen.


The cue ball managed to enter a striped eleven into one of the corner holes. The man prepared himself to take another shot.

"Erm, I think Kaiser mentioned it before yeah?" The middle-aged man said with a frown. It was because his opponent was lining up another sure shot.


Surprisingly, it missed.

"Well damn, you go. It's pretty crazy though no?" He asked after some short words of venting.

"Yeah, the overworld is far too dangerous. I really don't mind living down here, you know?" The middle-aged man said in agreement.

At this point, I could tell that neither of them would mention any specifics. It was some casual chatting after all, not a briefing.

Regardless, the words they spoke were more than enough to trigger my intrigue. It seemed that the military had somehow suffered losses.

"I get that. But if the government ever finds out about us we will be in deep sh*t. I wonder if you'll still want to stay here then" The other man said.

The middle-aged man laughed.

"Damn, it sure beats a large army of mutants though! Hahaha!" He then took his shot.

Clack! Clack!

"True. I can't imagine finally being able to return home only to see some f*cking beasts kicking up dust in the horizons" This time it was the older man who spoke. He had mostly been a spectator up to this point.

They were definitely talking about the returning soldiers announcement from my first day here. It seemed that they were taken out by a large number of mutants when returning to Termina.

No wait… I've never paid much attention to it but... How come I haven't seen anybody from the military down here?

The closest was Barry Tone who may or may not have powers but other than that I haven't encountered any exalted. It's as if they don't live in Termina in the first place.


Then is it… the surface? Then the job perks were to live on the surface? But if the situation is really as dire as the discussing men have made it seem then... is that really a good thing?

Some more time passed by as I watched the two men play. I listened in and learned a couple of their personal matters or situations.


"F*ck I hit the wrong ball! Nooo!" The middle-aged man whose name I found out was Harper screamed as he saw the 8-ball slowly inch its way towards one of the middle pockets.

"Hahaha! You owe me a bottle of alcohol now!" The other man called Victor rejoiced.

Some more proceedings happened and I was soon up to the table. The two men had become so engrossed that they had forgotten about it and the atmosphere once more turned a bit cold.

But there was nothing that a couple of games and banter couldn't fix. Although they were still creeped out by me, they didn't show any signs of obvious hostility. It was all planned out. I let them win a couple of games, yeah...

That was how I spent the rest of the day while anticipating my mission.