Chapter eight- lies to die for

Madison was strapped down. A lie detector test in front of her.

Nick and another man were the only people in that room with Madison. Dolan waited outside, hoping her daughter came out lie free.

"My daughter didn't kill anyone!" Dolan says to a cop.

He put a hand up. "We hope not. We're just making sure. She isn't the only one getting the test done," he replied. Dolan swallowed with her purse to her chest, praying for her daughter.

Madison stayed calm. She'd slid her phone in her pocket before getting to the office.

"Now. I'm not going to say you did anything. And this is not meant to blame you. I want to ask you some questions and hopefully... you answer then correctly," Nick informs.

Madison nodded and watched as he sat down. The man controlling the test stayed quiet and just watched Madison.

Nick put a picture in front of Madison. "Do you know this girl?" He asked.

Madison waited a few moments before moving her eyes to the picture. It was Kate. Madison nodded and looked back up to him. "Yes I do," she asked. Nick looked to the man controlling the machine. He nodded, letting nick know she was telling the truth to him.

"Do you know about her death?" Nick asked. Madison waited a few seconds.

"No shit," she answered. She told the truth. Nick. "Do you know anything about it? Were... you with her the time of her death?" Nick asked.

Madison was trained, to forget things easily. If she wanted to. She was able to stop the truth from coming out.

"No, sir. I was at home. Feeding my dog," Madison lied.

The man looked at Nick and nodded. To them, Madison was telling the truth. "You ever spoke to her? Had problems with her?" Nick asked. Madison stayed so calm it was almost scary.

"I've never spoken to her in my entire life. I've heard rumors about her wanting to fight me, other than that... I've never even been in the same room as her," Madison answered. Once again, to Nick and the other guy, she was telling the truth.

Nick nodded. A few people came in and let her go. Madison got up and left in silence.

Nick kept his hand on his chin as she walked out. Madison closed the door.

Madison then opened the door. "I forgot my phone," she says.

Nick pointed to the seat where it had fallen out of her pocket. Madison went over and grabbed it.