Chapter sixteen- memories

A week has gone by. Madison was still being watched/7.

The students at her school still gossip and posted pictures of her they've taken of her for the cyber building they were doing.

Some people wanted her free, others actually accused her of being the real murder since no other murder has happened since she has been locked up. Madison didn't care.

Memories began to flood back to Madison while she was being held captive.

She remembered when she used to cuddle up with her mom and dad when the thunderstorm brought her fear.

It was cold in the trailer that night. She crawled in under the blanket. She felt a little safer since she was squally forced to sleep on the couch. This was back when she was five.

Her mother wasn't so innocent, but when was she ever?

Both her mom and dad's backs were facing her as the rain touched the ceiling of the trailer. The thunder hit the making Madison turn and hugging her mom from behind.

There was one time her mom began touching all over Madison. This occurred maybe once a week. Her dad joined in.

They would finger her and began having sex with her but she wasn't old enough to know what was going on. Her mom stopped it and argued with Han on why it was wrong.

Her dad didn't want to. He claimed to love the feeling of his penis going in and out of Madison's tight vagina.

Sometimes they'd invite friends over to touch all over Madison.

Madison was so young that she didn't know what was going on. She thought they just liked the way she was since they'd say things to her like "you're cute."

"You have a nice ass."

They would force her to have sex with other kids they've brought and watched them or record them. When Madison was older, she'd harm herself about how stupid she was by not knowing what was going on.