Chapter 16: The Fight Begins

The girls and I formulated a plan before we left the small building. Once we did, I asked, "Are we ready?"

"Yeah! Let's kick some lizard butt!" Mari exclaimed, drowning out the others.

"Is everyone else ready?" I asked, not wanting to leave without getting everyone's opinion.

The other girls politely nodded.

"Let's go!" I instructed as I walked out the door.

Half of the girls, including me, split up. I was a part of the recon team with Yuri, Kiku, Suno, and Touwa. Mari, Akino, Shitai, Kosai, and Yoko were a part of the distraction team. The latter group went ahead to the square while the others and I waited for the signal. We hid behind one of the buildings and watched the square.

"Hey! Scales for brains! Over here!" Mari taunted, sticking out her tongue.

The other girls mimicked her by calling the dragon guards names like "big lizard" and "scaly butt." I must admit, I was not expecting the guards to get as upset as they did. They became so angry that they released small jets of fire from their nostrils.

"Why you little punks! We'll teach you to mess with us!" one of them howled as they charged toward Mari and the others.

The girls split up and ran into the town. Since there were five guards, one followed each of them. I bet they thought the girls wouldn't put up much of a fight or, if they did, the fight would be over quickly. The fight would be over quickly, but it wouldn't end the way the guards would expect.

"Let's go," I commanded, leading the way to the now unguarded square.

The girls and I quickly crept toward the square, hoping more guards wouldn't show up and raise an alarm. Thankfully, none showed up so we were able to get into the square.

"Oh wow. I was not expecting this," I gasped, amazed at the sight before me.

The girls looked forward in awe as well. Before us sat a huge red dragon. It had to be at least ten times bigger than the guards. Thankfully, the great beast hadn't noticed us yet.

"Now what? There's no way our attacks will get through that thing's scales!" I exclaimed quietly, having second thoughts.

"Why don't we try to negotiate? Who said we had to fight the dragons? Maybe there's a reason as to why they invaded Daichi in the first place," Touwa suggested.

"I agree. We don't know both sides to the story," Yuri added.

I nodded, trying to calm down. I don't know what's worse: having to fight a giant dragon or having to negotiate with one. I'd soon find out whether I wanted to or not.

We walked over to the big red lizard, trying to act like Daichiites would. It was difficult since we didn't really know how they reacted, but we had a pretty good idea because… how else would you approach a giant monster?

When we got close, Yuri nudged me, telling me to start talking to the dragon. How did I get put into this situation?

"Uh… G-greetings, great and powerful one," I said, stuttering from nerves.

The red dragon turned to us. He didn't look angry, but he didn't look happy either. It's hard to read a reptile's expression.

"What issss it, weakling?" he growled.

My knees almost buckled. Even though he didn't look angry, he sounded angry. I hoped that was just what he normally sounded like.

"Uh… W-we would like to know why you have come here."

The dragon laughed. It was a deafening sound. My eardrums may have been ruptured, but at least I amused the big guy. Maybe that means he won't eat me.

"You and your comradessss aren't from around here, correct? You look nothing like these pitiful creaturessss."

I nodded, not sure what to say.

"Why have you come here, weaklingsssss? Are you going to try and sssssave thesssse vermin? I applaud your bravery, but laugh at your ssssstupidity! You and your weak friendsssss cannot hope to defeat me!"

"We have not come here to pick a fight with you, Great One. We only ask to know why you and your people have come to this land," Touwa replied, kneeling before the red dragon.

She motioned for us to do the same. We all knelt quickly, hoping to impress Kasai.

"If you really want to know that badly, I will tell you on one condition: you and your comradesssss are not to hurt me or my people. If any of you break this promisssssse, I will perssssssonally ssssssee to your deathsssss."

With that grim note, Kasai began his story.