Chapter Nineteen

The King and I quickly walk up the stairs to where the door is. He slowly opens it looking around and waves for me to follow once he was sure no one was around.

" Head to the armory, quickly," The King commanded. I ran as quietly as I could trying not to be heard. When I reached my destination everyone else was already there.

" Issac where were you!?" Noah yells adjusting his gauntlet on his right wrist. Zero and Alex stop putting their armor on to look.

" I was with the King he gave father's sword," I answered grabbing the hilt. Noah nodded before resuming getting ready for battle. I caught Alex's eye but she quickly looked away picking up her chest piece.

"Hey, yours is right here," Zero said pointing to the armor next to him. I thank him and began fumbling around trying to put it on. After several minutes of struggling, Alex comes over fully armored and holds out her gauntlet-covered hand.

" Give me your hand," She demands. I give her my left hand and she begins helping me put on my gauntlet and the rest of the armor complete with my father's sword at my side.

" Thank you," I whisper to her as she held my helmet.

"Don't mention it," She glared as she throws my helmet at me making a clanking sound as it hit my chest. I was about to respond to her when we all froze. The ringing of bells. We all looked at each other. All of us knew what those sounds mean, they're here. I walked to the doorway and cleared my throat.

" You better not die,"

" I wasn't planning on it," Alex said. Everyone else gave a small laugh but you could tell the demons along with Noah and Zero were nervous. They have every right to be, I even am because we don't know what'll happen.

Everyone leaves after that to go to the King, he's waiting now fully armored. He sees me and gives me a small sad smile before I go to his side. Once everyone was in position he faced them.

" Brave knights, we fight against a common enemy, the Vampires, they're here as you know but, we will prevail, why because we have the one thing they do not. The Cresent Prince, the strongest wolf clan there ever was. Many of you have known his father and respected him, I have gotten to know the young prince he is just like his father so put your trust in him and I believe we can defeat the Vampires once and for all!" The king shouted to the army in front of him. When it was my turn to speak I opened my mouth when a horn sounded a ways away.

" It's time," The king whispered drawing his sword. I drew my sword my hands shaking slightly. " Breath Issac," The king told me, I gave him a nod and did as I was told feeling slightly better after. " Once you see Bastian make a beeline for him, we'll do our best to fight the rest off,"

" Got it," I answered as the first Vampire appeared over the land. Everything became a blur after the King gave the command to charge. Everyone racing past me and hearing the sounds of blades clashing. Looking around I could see Demons and Vampires alike falling to the ground covered in blood. Then I heard the blood-curdling sounds of witches dying and watching as smoke rose from the ground the ghosts possessing the dead Vampires and witches. The sounds seemed to snap me out of the trance. I started fighting the nearest Vampire.

" It's been a long time...half-breed," Came a rough deep voice that sounded familiar.

" You," I growled as I pushed my sword against his trying to knock his balance off.

" So, you do remember me," He smiled.

" Of course I do, you're the one who took me that night," I snarled.

" Now, now don't get emotional that'll get you killed on the battlefield you know,"

" I know, but also being distracted will too," I said as Envy grabbed him by the back of the head and cutting it off.

" Go," Said Envy. I began running father in killing Vampires as I went my armor now stained with the blood of my enemies. I was running my sword through a Vampire when I caught a glimpse of red. Blood red.

" You," I whispered as I withdrew my sword heading towards the red I saw.

" Hello my dear boy," Says a voice that I know all too well. I turn around quickly to find the red armor and the person I was looking for wearing it.

" The red makes you stand out," I say my voice monotone.

" I know, that's the point I wanted you to find me," He replied.

" Why," I snarled. Bastian let out a loud laugh filled with corruption.

" Why, why, you ask, this is why," He said as he held a person by the helmet.

" Who is that?" I asked angrily.

" You may know her," Bastian said, ripping the helmet from her making her fall to the ground with a thud. I instantly recognized her by her brown hair.

" Alex," My voice shaky.

" Ahh, so that's her name,"

" Did, you kill her?" I asked my voice threatening.

" She left me no choice she tried to kill me first," He answered with a smile showing his sharp teeth.

" I'm going to kill you if that's the last thing I do," I say with all the anger and hate I have in me.

" Give it your best boy," He said drawing his sword.