
Ning xinmei:(mc of this novel,is really lovable,is a very gorgeous beauty who is also compassionate,but only towards people who are close to her and children,along with the elderly,she is very sharp tongued towards people she dislikes,also once she sets her mind on something,she will try her best to complete it no matter the consequences)

Tang mohan(ml of this story is always very serious and likes to think things through before he acts,once he sets his sights on loving someone,he will never let go,even in death,because he was one of the few men in the multiverse who was like that and without a partner the little girl decided to tie his lives to xinmei's,so that xinmei doesn't have to have to worry about not being able to see her lover again,although he forgets his memories in every world,he is an efficient male lead who likes taking something once he wants it,and although he doesn't use dirty schemes,he doesn't take no for an answer either)

Li fangwei:{The god who made this possible,and will adopt mc after she has been through a correct amount of soul tempering to be able to handle being the creator/origin's daughter,is a lovable but lonely person till he met xinmei and became her father figure,he doesn't really care much for anything or anyone till he met xinmei,if she was ever in danger,he would save her no matter the coast but since he is basically origin himself,he doesn't have any restrictions,doesn't really have anyone in mind for a spouse,but he is not one to care about background}

While xinmei is going through the different worlds,if you guys see a character that you think is really lonely but lovable and would be a good match for him,please write so in the comments.