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my amazing life with my husband(5)

After about a twelve hour plane ride,tang mo han fastened the mask on ning xinmei's face and fixed her sunglasses to completely cover her eyes before they got down,he was also wearing a mask and glasses.Although they are rich,they like mixing in with regular people,so they went out through the front door instead of the vip pass.Although their faces were covered,with their perfect bodies they still got a lot of attention from the surrounding people

Tang mohan:"wait here for me mei'er,i have to go speak to the pilot real quick"

Ning xinmei:"okay brother han"

Ning xinmei knows that this is the part where the people planted by lui yingshi show up,in the different story,the only reason those people were able to cause trouble to ning xinmei is because tang mohan wasn't there at the moment,and when he got there the videos had already been taken,he couldn't stop the news from spreading because lui yingshi used a foreign source to post the news and he had no power to stop them at that time,by the time he had the power though it was ineffective because everyone already knew of the news and it's not like he could erase their memories.

While ning xinmei was waiting for tang mohan to come back,she saw a crowd of people coming towards her,she had a little smile on her face under the guise of the mask, beforehand she had made ivy contact the airport security so they were going to get there in five minutes which is enough time for her to deal with these people

Person A:"how dare you bully my idol"

Ning xinmei:"if i may ask,who is your idol"

The people who came to cause trouble were surprised at how clear and soft ning xinmei's voice is and were in a trance,but they broke out of it when they hears her question

Person B:"of course our idol is lui yingshi"

Ning xinmei:"i'm sorry,but i've never heard of her before,also how are you so sure it's me,i'm not famous,i just came back from abroad after three years,and the only people i am close to are my reletives"

The people were stumped,then they taught about it more and realized that it is true that she just got of the plane,and also although they haven't seen her face,with such a body there should have been some pictures of her,and they also realized the important fact that they don't even know her name

Person C:"but our idol told us that you bullied her when you guys were young"

Ning xinmei:"did you idol say that directly,and did she give you a name"

Person C:"t-that...u-um....no?"

Ning xinmei:"then you can't just make up your own story"

Person A:"but our idol told us that the person who always bullied her is coming back from abroad today,and her plane is going to land at 10am"

Ning xinmei:"but i didn't take a plane,i took my boyfriend's jet"

The people around her didn't know how to answer,ning xinmei decided to help them out and send them on their way since they were just being used and didn't really cause her any harm

Ning xinmei:"i'm sorry for your idol's past,but i don't know anyone by the name of lui yingshi,and i'm a bit tired from my flight,plus i can see that some of you are students,i understand that you guys want to chase stars and idols,but you have to focus on your school so you can make your parents proud,if not for your parents,then you have to focus on school so that you can support your idol even more after you have a job"

Most of the people at the airport who were witnessing the situation felt a sense of respect for ning xinmei,because if it was them and someone came up to them and accused them,although they hadn't done it,they would still be mad over the fact of being accused for no reason,so they were surprised that she spoke so gently to them in front of all accusations and she also even had the heart to tell them to focus on their studies

Person B:"if that's the case then why are you still here and not getting a cab to go home"

Ning xinmei:"naturally it's because i am waiting for my boyfriend"

Person B:"but how do we know that this so called boyfriend of yours exists"

Ning xinmei:"just because i'm nice doesn't mean i don't have a temper sir"

Person B:"but why would you get mad over what i said,is it because i hit the nail on the head and was right about you so called boyfriend being fake"

Ning xinmei:"if you let me finish,you would have heard the rest of my sentence"

Person B:"which is?"

Ning xinmei:"if you don't believe me you can wait here with me till my boyfriend comes"

Person B:"fine,but we have to set a time limit,because what if we have to spend the rest of our day waiting here for nothing or what if while waiting you 'had to go to the bathroom' and called someone over to lie to us"

At this time many of the people in the small crowd had withdrawn and joined the surrounding passerby's, a lot of people taught that the man currently speaking up was retarded,because first he confronts a person he doesn't even know,insists she bullied someone,and finally accuses her of lying about having a boyfriend

Ning xinmei:"if not for the fact that i've only been in contact with my family,i would think you're sent from someone to embarrass me on purpose"

Before the guy could resort

Tang mohan:"you don't have to wait because i'm right here"

While saying that he went up and grabbed ning xinmei by the waist,a lot of people were surprised to see such a tall handsome guy,although they couldn't see his face,from how tall he is to the aura he gives out,a lot of people could guess that he should be a really handsome guy

Person B:"for all we know you could have sent him a message while we were talking to you"

Ning xinmei:"now you are just being unreasonable sir,first of we can check the security camera which would show that i haven't touched my phone since i got of the plane,i haven't even contacted my parents since i want to surprise them,and as you can see my phone is still off(she said while taking out her phone) and please don't say i contacted him beforehand,because first how was i supposed to know that i would be accused for something i didn't do the moment i stepped out of the plane,and second you can just check the camera which would show him and I getting of together if you don't believe me"

After all that ning xinmei had said,the person couldn't say anything anymore,and just run out of the airport as if there are wings on his back,all the people watching could only shake their heads because they had never met such a shameless person before,but they also admired ning xinmei even more because she kept her calm and handled the situation perfectly,The airport security also got there at this time and cleared the people around,they apologized to ning xinmei and everyone left

Tang mohan:"what were you accused of?"

Ning xinmei:"for some reason which is unknown i had a childhood friend by the name of lui yingshi of whom i bullied while recollecting no such memories or so it seems"

Tang mohan:"lui yingshi?"

Ning xinmei:"why,do you know her brother mo"

tang mohan knows that ning xinmei only calls him brother mo instead of brother han when she is angry or sulking

Tang mohan:"no,but i have heard of her and been in contact with her dad before at one of their banquets for his wife's birthday"

Ning xinmei:"did you see her,and did you think she was pretty"

Tang mohan:"i didn't see her because i left with grandpa right after wishing madam lui a happy birthday,also no one can be prettier than my mei'er,but i'm glad you got jealous"

Ning xinmei:"are you saying that you want me to get jealous"

Tang mohan:"no,but you always never seemed worried when we came in contact with other women while making deals,so i even taught you didn't like me enough,at least till the incident with the vase happened"

Ning xinmei:"That's because i trust brother han's feeling for me,and i also don't thing brother han is such a vain man,or are you brother han"

Tang mohan:"of course not,your the most beautiful girl i've ever set my sights on,and you know better than anyone about how much i love you"

Ning xinmei blushed when she heard him mention that he loves her,and tang mohan was pleased with her reaction

Tang mohan:"now come on,we have to go and surprise aunty and uncle after all"

They then got into the prepared car and drove of to ning xinmei's house were both the Ning and Tang families currently were,they didn't know that ning xinmei and tang mohan were coming back,but they always met each other on saturday's and today was a saturday so they were all together