1-First day

Todays my 16th birthday, but also my first day at a new school. Yay for me. *Note the sarcasm.

We just moved here from a couple states over, because my dad got a new job. Hes a police officer so that means hes not home a lot which is fine for me. We haven't really acknowledged each other since my mom died. My dads been drowning himself in work and me, I've being hiding myself from the world. It's just easier that way, for everyone. It's been nearly 6 months since she died, and it still hurts. It just hurts so damn much. It was all my fault I was talking to her when she swerved off the road. I vaguely remember the paramedics cutting off my seat belt and pulling me out of the car window, and my mothers lifeless body beside me.

I look over at my clock and realise its only 6:15. I havent been able to sleep lately. Every time I close my eyes all I can see is her, and then I relive the moment she died all over again and again in slow motion. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I just feel so lonely and empty inside, I guess Im just depressed.

My room if pretty big I guess it's got a large window as you walk in the door and a dubble bed in the right hand side wall, with a desk and chair at the opposite side of the window. I have a big white mat in the middle of my room and and ensuite. Theres also a wardrobe beside the door to the ensuite.

I decide Its pointless trying to go back to sleep, so I get up and get ready for school and listen to music. I decide to wear my black ripped jeans and a black hoodie with a white broken heart on it. At around 7 I grab my school bag and head to school, I double check my hood is down though before I dare step foot outside my room. Dont want my dad mistaking me for my mom again.

Around 20 minutes or so later of walking, Im walking through the front doors of Lakemore secondary school, aka my new hell for the next couple of years.

When I get to the office theres a woman who looks to be in her late 50s sitting looking through papers.

"Just a moment dear" she said. I stood patiently waiting for her to be done. "Now, how can I help you" she said turning her full attention to me. I took a piece of paper out of my pocket that read, my name and that Im a transfer student. I then handed it to her.

"Okay heres your timetable" she said handing me a piece of paper. "Someone should be here soon, to show you were all your classes are. You can take a seat." She said gesturing behind me. I nodded and sat on a chair not far behind me.

I decided to listen to music and text Katie. Around 10 minutes later someone taped my shoulder making me jump. I quickly got up and yanked on the wire of my earphones pulling them out of my ears. I tilted my hand with my phone in it to side, as if to ask 'what'. He decided to speak up, "sorry I didnt mean to scare you. Im Alec, I have to show you round."

There was an uncomfortable pause before he decided to break it. "Can I see your timetable" he asked. I nodded and handed him my timetable that was in the front pocket of my hoodie. When he was reading it his face lit up.

"You're in most of my classes" he said. Oh great how am I supposed to shake him now. I didnt bother faking a smile I dought he would even notice, when he gave me my timetable back he gestured for me to follow him. So I turned around and grabbed my schoolbag from beside the chair I was sitting on, my bag was light because all that it contained was a black and blue pen, and some spare paper. I then followed him down the mostly empty hallways.

After he showed me where most of my classes were he decided to make a conversation. "What brings you to Lakemore anyway". Silence. "You dont talk much do you". I shrug.

After a few minutes he handed me a pen and a piece of paper. I took them confused. "So, what brings you to Lakemore" he asked, as he stopped walking and it clicked in my head. He wanted me to write my answer. I rolled my eyes not that he could see them. I leaned against the wall and wrote 'why do you care' on the page he gave me. I handed it to him and watched him as he read it, which only took a couple of seconds.

He offered me a small smile which I didnt return and said "Im trying to figure you out, tell me a bit about yourself Sammy."

I snatched the piece of paper out of his hand and wrote, 'Its Sam and how do you know my name???' I shoved the piece of paper into his chest and crossed my arms, taping my foot impatiently on the ground. I dont even know this kid, how does he know my name?

"Relax, the lady at the reception told me" he said. I scoffed rolling my eyes. "My names Alex by the way." He offered me a hand but i didnt take it. He awkwardly took his hand back and rubbed the back of his neck. "This is the your art class," by now the halls were starting to fill up with people. "We should head to class, its first in five." He said turning around and walking off. I followed closely behind him, because it was history first and i still didnt know where it is.

Soon we were walking into class. The class already had people in it and the teacher was writing the date on the board. "Class we have a new student today," he said to the class and then turned to me. "Would you please introduce yourself to the class", i just stood there awkwardly looking at my hands.

"She doesnt talk" my eyes shot up to see who said it and of course it was Alec. "Her names Sammy but she goes by Sam."

"Okay then Sam, would you take a seat" the teacher said. I looked around the room to see one empty seat at the back of the room. I walked over to it and sat down putting my bag under the table. I tugged at my hood pulling it as far down my face as it would go, wanting the ground to open up and swallow me whole.