3-Ice-cream and waterfalls

I was walking out of detention when Alec came up to me, "I was wondering if you wanted to come get ice-cream with us". I thought about it for a minute, but then decided why not so, I nodded my head and mouthed 'sure'.

So thats how I've come to walking into Berrys ice-cream shop, with theses three idiots. Alec gets mint choc chip, Sandy gets chocolate, Andy gets strawberry and I get vanilla. Plain and simple, just the way I like it.

We sit in a random booth near the window. I sit in the inside beside sandy with Alec in front of me and Andy is beside him. We sit in a comfortable silence eating out ice-cream.

"Ahh, brain freeze" sandy shouts holding his head, attracting the attention of others in the shop. Me, Alec and Andy burst out laughing. Just then, a girl that looks exactly like Alec walks into the shop and when she sees us she comes over.

"Hey, thought I'd find you guys here" she said smiling and sliding into the booth beside Andy.

"Hey sis, this is Sam" Alec says, looking around Andy at his sister. Oh so that explains the resemblance, I wave awkwardly at her.

"Hey, Im Bailey Alecs sister" she said offering me a smile which I gladly returned. I took my note pad out of my pocket and wrote, 'Hey Im Sammy but everyone just calls me Sam' on it and passed it to her. She smiled brightly at me and handed it back. She then looked over at Alec, who seemed to be texting someone so he wasn't holding his half eaten ice-cream. Bailey quickly reached over Andy and grabbed his ice-cream and started eating it.

"Hey i wasnt done with that" Alec called over to his sister, looking rather annoyed might I add.

"Not my problem" she called back, waving her brother off.

About twenty or so minutes of Andy, Sandy and Alec making fun of each other and me and Bailey laughing are asses off later, Alec has some bright idea of showing me some waterfall.

"Come on Sam, you'll love it" Sandy wines for the tenth time. I huff, but write 'fine' on my note pad. I dont understand whats so special about watching water fall off a cliff, but I dont think this is something I can win. "Yay" he says wile jumping out of his seat and clapping his hands like a five year old. I cant resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Dont roll your eyes at me young lady", how did he? "I could feel it", he says answering my unspoken question.

"We should get going, ready" Andy says to no one impiticular.

We all not our heads and get up to leave, and start piling out. As sandy is about to leave a boy with shaggy brown hair, appears in the door way. "Sorry, go ahead" he says. I look up to see Sandy in awe struck. Awe, he likes him. Now I get a better look at the boy I notice, the boys a boy from my class. Hmm I'll have to keep that in mind. I think his names Jake or Jack, or something along those lines. I snap my fingers in Sandys face, bringing him back to Earth. A blush creeps up on Sandys face from the back of his ears. Awe hes blushing, this is so cute.

"Sorry" Sandy says. As we are walking back to the car I playfully nudge Sandy, causing him to blush more.


Finally after a ten year ride, we are finally here. When we get out of the car me and Sandy kiss the ground dramatically, "Oh my god, its been days. Oh how Ive missed you", he says. Alec and Andy roll their eyes, wile Bailey bursts out laughing.

"The waterfall is down there and no need to be so dramatic, it was only forty minutes". FORTY MINUTES MY ASS!!! It felt like years.

"Forty minutes, yea right it felt like FOREVER"! Sandy shouts.

"Whatever you say" Alec said, walking the way he said the waterfall was. I roiled my eyes, but follow him. About five minutes later he abruptly stops causing me to nearly bump into him, key-word nearly. I walk past Alec purposely knocking my shoulder into his. When i look up I'm shocked to see, a beautiful waterfall in front of me. They werent kidding, it was beautiful.

"See, Im not the one to say I told you so, but... I told u so". Alec says, I cant resist the urge to roll my eyes. I turn around to see Alec and Sandy with their shirts off, and Andy taking his off. Dont tell me they plan on going in there, wait of course they are.

"You two coming" Andy says. No way in HELL am I going in there.

"O hell naw, no way". Bailey shouts, shaking her head.

"Sam" he asks me again, I shake my head. "Okay, suit yourselves", he then walk over to a small ledge were Alec and Sandy are.

Me and bailey sat on the grass and watched, as the boys jumped off the small ledge and into the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. We make small talk for the next hour of so, as the boys jump off a hand full more times and muck around in the water.

The boys all came out as the sun was setting and Alec started chasing Bailey around asking for a hug which she refused because he was soaking wet. He eventually cached up to her though. We all sat on the grass and watched the sunset together.

"Come on I'll leave everyone home" Alec said. We all piled into the car with me and Alec in the front and the rest in the back. The whole ride was in silence, I looked out my window the whole time daydreaming. We all waved as Sandy and Andy went into their home, well except Bailey she was sound asleep in the back. Before I knew it me and Alec were outside my house. Alec had his hands in his pockets and I had one hand over my chest holding my elbow.

"Sam, why do you wear your hood"? He asked, I sighed before saying.

"We arent there yet, but one day Ill tell you the story. I promise". I then quickly open the door and slip inside, shutting the door behind me. Leaving him in total shock, I slide down the door.