I am

Meanwhile in Abby's spiraling tower home.

"Void is the testing done yet!? I jumped, ran, swam, and lifted. I want to hangout with the trades! I'm gonna learn how to shoot a gun and have sword practice!"

[Yes, my Lady, Your strength, speed, and endurance has increased by 20%. A remarkable increase from connecting to section 10. How do you feel my Lady?]

"I feel the same. So can I go and blow stuff up?" asked Abby as she put her cutest face towards the ceiling. Melty does the same as it sits beside Abby.

[Fine my Lady, But listen to all of Jack's commands.]

"You're the best Void!" Abby starts running out of the room with Melty atop of her head. After Abby rushes out the room, Void's attention goes to the further production of the trades and progress of connecting section 11.

[Productivity has increased to 100 new trades a day and 20% completion of section 11. Soon I'll be able to construct different combat types and these C.A.T.s are very efficient. I need to double the production of these workers. 1000 daily C.A.T.s isn't enough.]

Void is working diligently appearing in thousands of different places and maintaining steady progress of work in every nanosecond. Void's attention is being drawn elsewhere as she is being called by a patrol of trades. They're in the lockdown area of the unknown fleet. An eye device appears before the squad of 13 trades.

"Greeting's Regent Void, we have finished our patrol with no combat but they have sent a delegation to speak with our Lady. We were ordered to contact you Regent Void."

[Did our Lady order you?]

"No Regent Void, It was our Knight Commander Jack."

While Abby was studying, Void and Jack made an agreement to not know each other's tactics just in case one was corrupted or captured. Void regrets agreeing as her curiosity is plaguing her.

[Please bring them, I wish to speak with this delegation.]

"Of course, Regent Void."

5 trades escort three members of the unknown fleet. The first one is called Mina. She is the definition of a warrior. She stands at 7ft matching the trades in height but with her curled horns she is slightly taller and nearly as strong as one. Her physique is one of a warrior as she is quite muscled, yet still retains her feminine beauty. Lastly, she wears light armor promoting better movement and allows her to show off scars as trophies.

The smaller one that reaches Mina's chest is called Tiua. She has mechanical legs from the waist down and is covered head to toe in fur. Her physique is quite slender promoting her speed quite well. Tiua seems to be a feline as her facial features are similar to Metly. The Trades had a difficult time catching her. The trades have been clocked going 60 mph but Tiua seems to be faster at 90mph so Void gave the order to place heavy weights around her legs reducing her speed by half.

Lastly the shortest of the three called Zahara has a pair of Snow White wings with a complexion just as white. She seems rather angelic and not much of a fighter but she has a great deal of respect from the other two.

"Hello? Can you hear us?" Asked Mina.

[Yes, I can.]

" Um well we wish to become your employees." replied Mina.

[What an interesting turn of events. Please do tell me more.]

Zahara opens her wing preventing Mina from talking. "We are willing to tell all we know of our employers and anything else you require while also becoming your most faithful employees in the process." Zahara gives an elegant bow as her wings bow as well.

[Knowing your employers would be a benefit but please enlighten me how you could become such a faithful employee.]

"This is quite easy, Mina is a member of the Taurus race. If you beat her in ceremony combat she'll become your most loyal wife but I do advise caution as the loser might get killed. Tiua hails from the Ash sovereignty and enjoys the simplicity of riches so pay her enough and she'll become the most trusted warrior or lover."

The red eye of Void seems to glare at the notice of a lover and the Trades take a step closer as well in agreeance. Zahara knows she made an error in words but continues without hesitation.

"Well, Lastly I myself hail from the heavenly kingdom. A territory within the Crucible. I'm a free citizen so I have no ties to my kingdom and go where I please."

[Such unique characters but what about your fellow crewmates? I only heard a deal for you three and not of the thousands behind you.]

"We are not their mothers so this is not our problem. We were hired for this one job which has become nothing but a big pain in the fangs so the least we can do is get ourselves on your good-side." Interjected Tiua.

[I see, it must have been difficult for you but My Lady has already agreed to take cultural data from the fleet you were attacking. Why would I need anything from you and as you can see the warriors here aren't lacking.]

Tiua shows her fang in disagreement and Mina starts making a plan to escape. Zahara takes a step forward to get everyone's attention.

"They are a military fleet and have strict laws that'll prevent any data that might weaken their Empire and may prevent certain informational customs to insult your Lady. While I, however, have lived in the Jade Empire for almost a hundred years. We also are three different races from three different nations. We can easily be a buffer for the introductions between our nations."

[That is true but why withhold information? They are in no position to do so.]

"When the assault began on their fleet I heard the Commander's voice and if you confirm my suspicions, then can I tell you why?"

[If I don't?]

"Then your curiosity must wait."

[I like you, so I will give you the chance. His name is Commander Greesch.]

Mina seems to almost go in rage and Tiua merely scoffs at the mention of his name. Zahara is pleased to hear his name.

"Commander Greesch, is one of the 7 branch Generals of the Jade Empire and a prince of the Jade Empire."

Void merely stays quiet for a moment.

[How do I know this isn't a lie?]

Zahara pulls out a small cube from her waist. She holds it up showing an article of the Jade Emperor's royal twin sons. It is presented before Void as she scans it to ensure it's not a forgery. The picture has Commander Greesch's present and highlighted. "This fleet was organized to attack and capture the cargo. We were paid to kill Commander Greesch the prince."

Void takes the device and consumes it into her eye.

[I see, it seems like I have much to learn. Trades please escort them to section 2.]

"With haste Regent Void."

"Before you go Regent Void. May I ask for the return of our affections?" asked Zahara.

[They shall be waiting for you when you arrive in section 2. Now I must attend to other matters.]

Mina, Tiua, and Zahara give a slight bow as she disappears into the wall. The Trades begin escorting them to section 2 or rather The railways.