Chapter 2: Red

I let Fangs crawl over my arms a bit before putting him back in his web. "You shouldn't have made your home there. If a guard sees you, you're dead. You should move under the bed. It's safer there." I sat back down and watched Fangs as he stayed there motionless.

I leaned against the wall and sighed. 'At least last night was different than most. But there's no doubt that nothing else interesting will happen to me anytime soon.' As soon as I thought that, I heard the door clank open and looked up to see the warden. 'Ugh.' I hate that guy. He's such a dick. He's the one who's in charge of this hell hole and lets all the horrible things happen to the prisoners. Not to mention, he's the one who makes sure I get worse treatment than the others because I told him where he could go once. I gave him my best 'I'm going to kill you' look and waited for him to speak.

He was middle-aged and had douche written all over him. He crossed his arms and squinted at me. "I have some good news." I raised an eyebrow. "You're dying?" He ignored my comment and continued to speak. "One of our psychiatrists has taken an interest in you. They think that they can figure out what's wrong with you and fix it. Damn hell, waste of time if you ask me."

I stood up, the sound of chains falling to the floor as I got to my feet. "You got me a shrink?" I glared. 'Great. Can everyone just leave me alone and stay out of my goddamn business for one minute?!' The warden returned my glare. "It's good for you. Despite how I know that it won't work on a lowlife maniac such as you."

I wanted to kill him. I wanted to see his head roll down the stairs. "I agree. It's a waste of time. I never want to be sane, it sounds boring." He kept ignoring me. "Dr. Red will be visiting your cell for two hours every day until you show improvement." 'Fuck. That's two hours of workout time wasted on some useless session with a dirtbag shrink.' I was about to curse him out when he gestured to the door. "This is Dr. Liza Red."

The name caught me off guard. 'Wait, that's a...' Then suddenly, a woman in her early twenties walked in. She was wearing a lab coat, a collared white shirt, and a long skirt with red heels. Her hair was long and a dark red along with her lipstick and she had small oval lens glasses. Just the sight of her made me jolt at her but the chains on my wrists and ankles attached to the wall held me back. I startled her, making her step back. She looked surprised at my appearance as if she expected me to be uglier. I felt the same way about her and continued to struggle.

I stared into her deep brown eyes and gave her a smile from hell. She was the first woman I've seen in eight years, and she was beautiful. I wanted her. I wanted her body. I couldn't help but think of everything I wanted to do to her, and every position I wanted to do it in.

The warden smirked at her and then turned to leave. "Good luck wasting your time." He said as he closed and locked the door behind him. She looked back at me then went to the end of the room and sat in the chair facing me. She went through some things on her clipboard pretending not to notice the animal hunger in my eyes. I calmed down, satisfied with the fact that she was afraid of me.

"Come here," I said in a thirsty tone. She looked up at me. "No." I tilted my head. "But I want you." She looked back down and continued to look through her clipboard. "That's not in my job description. Sorry to disappoint." 'So she's a funny girl huh? I can be funny too.' "Believe me. I never disappoint." I licked my teeth, keeping my smile. She looked at me blankly and changed the subject. "U-Um, I am Dr. Red as the warden introduced. I will be here every day to help you." I kneeled and rolled my eyes. "Right. I don't need help." She answered firmly. "That's what you think but I'm sure that we'll be able to-" I interrupted. "To what? Fix me? News flash! There is nothing wrong with me. I choose to be crazy and I love it."

She waited a moment to answer me. "I have to admit, you don't act like any of the other patients here, but I still don't believe that someone would choose to be this way." I ignored her and looked her up and down. 'She is so hot. I want to force her up against a wall and feel her perfect breasts. They look big enough to fit perfectly in my hands. God, why can't she come closer?'

She then raised the clipboard in front of her. "Can you stop doing that?!" I blinked. "What?" She turned away from me. "Undressing me with your eyes!" I smiled. "It's that noticeable?" She glared at me and I laughed getting up and sitting on my bed. "See? Wasting your time." I leaned against the wall facing her and casually lifted my shirt. She blinked and it was obvious she didn't expect me to be so ripped. But she quickly shook it off. "You're despicable." My smile didn't leave my face. "I know."

That night after she left I was laying on my bed with Fangs sitting on my chest. I knew I wasn't going to sleep tonight so I just let myself get lost in my thoughts. 'I never thought I was ever going to see a woman again. And now I'm going to see one every day. I can't wait to piss her off tomorrow.' I smiled. 'I can't wait to scare her, and come on to her so hard.'

Then Fangs crawled to my neck and bit me. I cupped him in my hands and he bit me again. I held him in my hand in front of me and he bit me once more. I laughed. "I love how painful your kisses are." I pet him with my finger and let him crawl back on the wall. "Now you've got me started."

I then dug my fingernails into my arm and lay back in pain. "Oh..." I purposely bit my nails to be sharp so it would hurt more when I caused myself pain. 'I wish I had a knife. That would be so much better. Well as long as I'm wishing for things I wish I was out of this hell hole.' I pressed harder until blood came out of my arm. "A-Ah!" After the wave of pain that washed over my body was over I licked my arm clean of blood and started to laugh.

'Fuck. Now I'm going to have another psycho attack.' I laughed uncontrollably for hours. My throat hurt and I had a headache, but I couldn't stop. 'What is wrong with me?' I started to shake as usual after I'd been laughing for so long, and my eyes went to the back of my head. 'If I wasn't crazy before, I sure am now.'