Chapter 12: Kidnapped

I ran ahead and saw a stairway covered in blood. I quickly jumped on the metal railing and slid down until I reached the bottom. I landed on my feet and I heard the scream again. I ran down the hall and stopped to see a prisoner holding Liza to the wall with a knife. She was cut and bloody, and her clothes were torn. He then ripped her sweater off and she screamed as he grabbed her breast. Without thinking, I grabbed a machete out of a corpse next to me and quickly stabbed him through the back, skewering him along the blade.

He screamed and I turned the hilt to make it more painful as he fell to the ground and stabbed him until he stopped moving. Liza fell to her knees, horror in her eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she pressed her back to the wall. She looked up and realized it was me, but that didn't change her expression. I didn't care if she was afraid of me now. I was pissed.

'How dare he try to take what is mine!!' I then realized something. I'm not chained or civilized anymore. I'm back to my crazy self. I smiled at the thought that no one could punish me for not holding back anymore.

I licked the blood off of the machete and slid it in the back of my shirt. 'This might come in handy.' I then looked at Liza and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. "If anyone's raping you it's gonna be me!" I didn't let go of her hand and started to walk fast down the hall, taking her with me.

She was shaking but she still struggled. "W-Wait! What are you doing?! Let me go! What do you want?!" I stopped and turned to her. "You are going to get me out of here. In return, I won't kill you." She glared at me. "You're kidnapping me?!" I smiled. "Yes. And once we get out of here, you will finally be mine." She tried to pull away harder. "I don't belong to you!!" I laughed. "We'll see about that."

I pulled her down the hallway until I got tired of her struggling. In a clear area, I stopped and pushed her against a wall suddenly, making her gasp. I got really close to her, enough for her to hear my breath. "Why are you fighting me, you little pain in the ass? I just saved your life." She glared at me again and spoke through her teeth. "You didn't save me. You just took his place."

I was angry now. I grabbed her face, getting even closer. I smiled. "Very well you ungrateful bitch. If that's what you think then how about I take up where that other prisoner left off?" Her eyes widened as I forced my body up against hers, cupping her breast with my hand, and kissed her passionately. 'She fits perfectly in my hand, why does she feel so good?' More adrenaline came flowing through me as I kissed her over and over again.

I moved my lips to her neck and fit my teeth into the bite on her neck, but before I could pierce her skin, she spoke softly. "Stop... Please..." I hesitated and pulled away to meet her eyes. They were full of tears and she was shaking all over. I let go of her and looked away. "If you think that you'd be better off by yourself, that could be arranged." I started to walk away hoping that that wasn't what she wanted. I was anxious as I got farther away from her, but was instantly relieved when she stopped me.

"W-Wait! I, I'm sorry. I-I'm just scared. I don't want to die! Thank you for saving me. I, appreciate it." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 'Is she apologizing? And, thanking me? Why does it have to take so much for her to be not so hard-headed? She's stubborn and annoying. But I like that about her.' I turned around and couldn't help but ask.

"Why do you hate me so much even though you know I do everything I do just because I love you?" She looked at me surprised, then avoided my gaze. "I told you. I don't hate you." I rolled my eyes. "You sure don't act like it." She became defensive again. "What about you? You're the one who's always trying to get under my skin and threaten to do things to me!"

I relaxed my shoulders and smiled. "I do that because I like you, dummy." She paused trying to think of a good comeback when I spoke again. "So are you going to help us both to get out of here or are you just going to stay there and die by yourself while I find another way out?" She gave me an annoyed look and didn't answer me as she walked ahead and didn't look back.

I smiled and caught up to her. "So how many prisoners do you suppose have escaped by now?" She continued to look ahead. "None. You need a security clearance to open the door to the exit. And the only ones that have that are me and the warden." I put my arm around her. "Lucky me." She rolled her eyes and pushed my arm off.

"Yeah. Right. Lucky you. But not me. I'm not the only one who knows that." I gave her an evil smile and wrapped my arms around her from behind, making her stop. "You're lucky too. You have me. I like you, and won't let anyone hurt you besides me." She looked up at me with an uncertain expression on her face. "How reassuring." She said sarcastically, pulling out of my grip.

Later we were walking farther down the dark hallway when we stopped again to the sound of footsteps. I walked up next to Liza about to pull the machete out of my shirt when Liza took my arm and pulled me into a cell. "Gah!" she pushed me against the wall and peeked out the door to see some prisoners walk by. It was extremely dark in the cell, and I couldn't see anything but the red light coming from the hall and reflecting off of Liza's face. I tilted my head. 'Why did she do that? I was looking forward to crushing someone's skull in.'

I was disappointed but the thought that she just threw me against a wall was turning me on. I looked around and couldn't see anything. 'A dark room at my disposal.' I smiled and pulled Liza to face me. "Let's make out." I kissed her before she could say anything, and pushed her to the ground. She hit me trying to get me off, but that only made me feel better. I continued to kiss her until she was able to push me back by my shoulders.

"Now, is not, the time!!!" I laughed. "So you're saying that there is a time you would do this?" She groaned and crawled away from me quickly. "I take it back, I hate you." I grabbed her by her thigh, and she squeaked. "Hey!" I climbed on top of her again and kissed the back of her neck. "You don't mean that."