Chapter 15: Crazy

I lost all of my sanity when I ate. It felt too good to feel the blood flow down my throat, along with the flesh and muscle. Whenever I get interrupted, I have no way of knowing what I will do with so much adrenaline being forced through me. I didn't bother to stand up and walk towards her. Liza was just staring in fear at me. 'Is she attempting to make me feel guilty? Why would I? When I have no feelings other than hunger and lust.' She took a hesitant step towards me.

I waited a second. 'How can she be so smart, and so stupid at the same time?' I immediately grabbed her ankle and pulled her down to the floor. "Ah-!" She pulled away and crawled back before I could get closer. "What are you doing?!" She continued until she backed into a wall, and I crawled towards her. "I told you to look away. You not only disobeyed me, you also interrupted me." She started to shake at my sudden, low, and crazy voice.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I interrupted her. "It's too late now!" She jumped and I got closer, running my hands up her ankles and pulling up her dress. Startled, she tried to kick me away. "What are you-?!" I immediately pushed her legs down to restrain them. "Ah!" She was shaking in fear as I got closer to her. I smiled, my expression full of insanity, and I bit my lip. I looked her up and down and she knew what I was thinking.

"Don't..." I lifted my chin so our lips brushed against each other's. I whispered. "You think I can control myself while I'm like this?" I kissed her and ran my hands along her body. I kissed down her throat and to her chest. I didn't think it was possible to have so much desire for one woman, yet I can't get enough of her. I grabbed her wrists tightly and pulled her away from the wall and pressed her against the floor.

She squirmed, but I couldn't care less and continued to turn her chest purple. Tears started to run down her face despite her angry expression. "Get... Off..." I slowly lifted my head to smile again. "Not this time." Her anger broke back into fear and I kissed her lips once more, pushing her glasses closer to her face. But, just when I thought I couldn't feel any better than this, I felt something really good in my side. "Oh..." I pulled away a little to see what it was, and saw that she had stabbed the knife I gave her in my side.

'I must've lost track of one of her hands.' I collapsed on top of her but still made sure not to crush her. "You stabbed me. Never thought you had the heart to do that." She continued to shake and didn't answer me. The pain felt so good and made me do the same. It started to go away and I only wanted more. The pain she caused me was too good to let go of. "Oh god... Do that again... Hurt me more..."

Her eyes widened and she quickly removed the knife. More pain came through me and made me moan. Little did she know that it only made me want her more. I kissed her neck again, then kissed along to the other side. I was about to finally make her mine when I felt my bite with my tongue. It reminded me of what I said it was supposed to. 'I don't want to hurt her. And she broke her own heart by hurting me.' I thought about it and froze. I pulled away from her slowly and my lifeless expression came back. "I don't want to hurt you."

I got off of her and lay down next to her holding my side. It felt good. But blood loss was still not good for me. I was lucky that she didn't get me deep, but I felt light-headed and dizzy and that I would pass out at any moment. Liza sat up and stared at me both terrified and confused. She hesitated and moved my hand to see the wound. She gasped and covered her mouth, a new wave of tears washing over her face. "I-I'm so sorry..." I smiled weakly. "You shouldn't be. I'm sorry I scared you."

She looked at me guilty, and I closed my eyes. "Looks like you have me at a disadvantage. You have a chance to escape from me now." She waited a moment to answer me. "I'm n-not leaving you." I opened my eyes to look at her. "Why? Were you not here five seconds ago?" She gave me a stern look. "Yes. I was. I'm not going to leave you, because, I need you." I blinked slowly. "You don't need protection anymore if you're brave enough to stab me." She shook her head. "I don't mean that. I don't need you for protection. I need you because... I might sort of like you..."

Now I knew I was hearing things. I looked at her surprised, trying to figure out what she really said. "You have a weird way of showing it." She was silent looking at my wound. "You... Don't rape people. Okay?" I sat up quickly. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm behind on my etiquette lessons." She glared at me and I pulled her to her feet as I stood up, grabbing her arm. "I can do whatever I want to you. You're mine. And I don't give a fuck what the right way to romance someone is. I'm not normal, and you're going to have to live with that if you want to be with me."

She yanked her hand away. "I never said that!" I pulled her back into my arms. "You like me. So I must be doing something right." I couldn't help but smile. 'She liked me. She said she likes me. I am the happiest I have ever been, and I had just gotten stabbed.' She didn't deny me or try to get away, she just avoided my gaze looking uncomfortable.

I was just happy that she was staying so close to me even after I tried to rape her. I tightened my grip and bent down to kiss her. She didn't fight back but she also didn't kiss me back. I was fine with her not knowing how she felt. 'If I'm lucky, she'll stab me again, then apologize by saying I love you. It would be the best thing ever to hear her say that. But I shouldn't get my hopes up. I am still a psycho. Why would she ever love a psycho that comes too close to hurting her?'

I let her out of my kiss and took her hand. "You didn't run away. Know that this means that I will still be kidnapping you once we're out of here." She looked at me a little uneasy. I was expecting her to be angry but she wasn't. She looked to my side. "You're still bleeding." I started to lead her down the hallway again. "Do you see any doctors around here?" She rolled her eyes. "No." I looked ahead. "Then let's keep moving."