Chapter 27: Revenge

She realized what she said and covered her mouth with both hands. "I-I didn't mean it like that! I'm not saying-! I-!" I stood up and looked down. "You're right." Answers that I didn't want to hear started to flow into my head. 'I'm so stupid. Of course she's worried, that kid's going to be half me! What if it's going to go down the same road I did?! No. I won't let that happen.'

Liza then interrupted my thoughts by grabbing my hands. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared. What if it becomes what you used to be?" I didn't like how she worded that but it could've been a lot worse. I avoided her gaze, annoyed. "It was my father's fault that I wanted to kill everything I saw. Because of him I never felt loved or wanted. That I had no reason to care about anything but myself. I never thought anyone would love me. So whatever happens, I'm going to give everything I never had to that little life growing inside you. Believe me when I say no one's going to love that kid more than me."

She blushed instantly, her eyes wide. I knew that she had no response to that, so I turned away to leave the room. "The only thing I want is to give you a happy life." Before I knew it she had firmly wrapped her arms around my waist from behind before I could leave. "Oof." I turned to look at her questioningly but her eyes were closed tightly as her cheek pressed against my back.

"And the only thing I want is you." Now it was I that was surprised. I loosened her grip around me so I could turn around and embrace her. "I love you." She hugged me back. "I love you too." I don't think I've ever been happier than I am now. My mind started to go blank for a moment. 'I'm happy. This can't be right. My luck never lets me be happy. Something must be wrong.' As much as I would want to believe that I am finally free with a happily ever after, I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen.


A broken jaw. A broken arm. A fist full of broken fingers. None of which would stop me from escaping that prison. That psycho and doctor escaped. I never knew how strong Kip was, but that was because he never showed me before. The day they escaped, Kip tried to kill me but failed because of the sudden flow of prisoners on the first floor.

When he was distracted, I found the strength to stand and run away to use my key card on the back door in the basement. I was certain that the other prisoners would've killed them both, but when I finally made it out, I saw that Dr. Red's car was missing from the front parking lot. I felt so much rage burn inside me once I knew that they weren't dead. But there was no time to let my anger get the better of me. I made my way to my car through the pouring rain, and got inside, starting it with my good hand.

The pain shot everywhere through my upper body, but I've been in much more pain than this. I put my elbow through one of the holes in the steering wheel and drove to the nearest hospital. That is where I am now, still recovering from Kip's assault. But I don't have the patience to sit and do nothing. I've been here for about a week and I have already contacted the FBI to track the device I placed under Dr. Red's car.

I used to work for the military and I know some higher people in the authorities. I put the device there as a security measure, just in case I needed to make sure she didn't tell anyone about the conditions of the prison. But now it has proven extremely useful. I now have a few options I can execute once I receive her location. The most logical choice would be I call the police and they take Kip back to prison and be put to death along with Dr. Red for being an accomplice in his escape.

'But, what's the fun in that?' I thought. I knew what I wanted. I wanted Kip dead, but I didn't want anyone else to kill him but me. I started to think of ways I could get away with the murder and still come out looking like the good guy, not to mention, not getting killed in the process.

I thought about it for days until the time came when I received the classified location of Dr. Red in my email. As I looked at the screen with anticipation I became curious but not surprised. 'So they decided to high tail it up into the mountains huh? There's no civilization within a hundred-mile radius of there. There must be something up there that we don't know about.' I thought.

Then an idea came to me. 'They're hiding in an unpopulated area. No one knows what is up there, so no one will be a witness if they are killed.' A smile started to creep onto my face. "You will be brought to the proper authorities... But you will be brought in a lifeless body."


A few months had gone by and through the entire time, I didn't crave human flesh once. I started to think that something was seriously wrong with me. I even started to sleep well and actually like normal food. I wondered If this was because I was out of prison, or if it was because I was with Liza.

Back when I went into town to get Liza the things she needed to find out for sure that she was pregnant, I also got her some clothes so she didn't have to wear mine anymore. She had probably taken the test at least ten times, and it came back positive every time. She's still worried about having a kid, but I'm doing my best to take care of her. However, now that she is starting to show, I can't help but push her down and bite her every time I see her.

There's just something about her new figure that I can't resist, even though it's barely changed. I think it's safe to say that our sex life is thriving more than ever. Now another storm had come over the mountains, and the sound of pouring rain at night was relaxing. Me and Liza were lying in bed with the lamp on the nightstand lit while Liza read one of the books I got her while on my last trip into town. I sat up bored and looked at her.

Her red hair was bright from the reflection of light behind it, and her expression was peaceful. 'She is so pretty.' I then moved over her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my face against her stomach. She lifted her book over my head and continued to read with a soft smile. I wasn't surprised she didn't react, I've done this too many times to count.

I don't know why, but every day I have to make sure that the life inside her is alright. Listening to it even if there is no sound, makes me feel better and relaxed. Liza's warmth enveloped me and the sounds from outside put me at peace. 'I could fall asleep right here.' I turned my face to kiss her stomach, my eyes still closed. 'But I won't. Liza won't be comfortable when she's ready to sleep.' I thought as I sank deeper into silence. 'I'll just enjoy the time I have now.'