Chapter 29: Done

I dropped the knife to the floor and couldn't stop myself from smiling. I placed my hand back on the gun and pointed it at the warden who was now paralyzed with fear. "Heh, when you do things like that, it really makes me want to eat you!!" I came closer until the barrel of the gun pressed against his forehead. "You're finally mine to kill!" Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger and the blast of the shotgun sent blood splattering in all directions.

Liza screamed and turned away as the now headless body that used to be the warden of my prison, fell to the ground dead. The feeling of finally killing him raced through my body, making my previous feeling of hunger increase. It felt amazing to have the blood of the one person I hated most in this world to be on my hands and spilling out of his body. I then dropped the gun and stepped over him kneeling. 'I want it. I want his flesh in my teeth.' Liza, knowing what I was about to do immediately rushed to my side and pulled my arm.

"Kip no!! The police are about to come here, do you know how it would look if they found an eaten government official?!" I pushed her away and she fell next to me. I didn't turn to look at her. "Stay away or you're next!" I didn't know what came over me. My body wouldn't listen to my mind and moved subconsciously. 'Why did I do that?! Why can't I control myself?! I hope Liza stays away so I won't hurt her again!'

But despite my warning, she didn't. She then got back up and pulled me by the ear and I stumbled away from the body. "Hey!" I immediately turned around, grabbed Liza by the shirt, and slammed her against the wall. "What did I just say?! I'll fucking kill you!!" My head started to scream to stop, but I held her there with no intention of letting go.

I got closer, rage in my eyes as I looked into hers. But to my surprise, there wasn't fear in them, nor any sign of emotion. It confused me. I moved my hand to her neck. "Did you hear me?! Aren't you afraid of me?!"

She waited a moment to answer, and a small smile crossed her lips as she spoke. "No. I could never be afraid of you. You are the love of my life." I loosened my grip speechless. She continued to speak and raised a hand to my cheek. "You could eat me right now and still wouldn't be able to change that. But, I know that the real kip would never be able to hurt me."

I looked at her in shock and lowered my hand. I started to come back to my senses and stepped away from her. It wasn't until she wiped away my tears I realized that I was crying. I felt my cheek. "When was I...?" She answered, reading my mind. "Just now, when you held me there." I pulled away from her hand. "What's wrong with me? Why do I always come so close to hurting you?!"

Liza's smile faded. "That doesn't matter if I'm not afraid of you. You're just angry. You got the rare privilege to kill someone that caused you so much pain, and now you realize that killing him didn't get rid of all of those painful memories he gave you and you don't know what to do." I wiped the rest of the tears from my face and smirked. "Man. You're such a shrink."

She blinked and then glared at me. "Hey! I'm just trying to make you feel better!" I shrugged. "Sorry for trying to lighten the mood a bit." She paused, realizing that I did, and her smile returned. I then turned to face the broken window seeing that the rain had calmed down, and raised an eyebrow. "So... What are we going to do when the police arrive?" Liza hesitated for a moment then her smile brightened. "We're going to tell the truth." I turned around surprised. "What?!"

Later the police arrived with several cars and ambulances. Once the investigators had collected what they needed, Liza and I told them the truth about how the warden had thrown a rock through our window with a death threat on it, broke into our house and tried to kill both of us, and stabbed me deep in the stomach, but I luckily shot him in the head before he could do anything else. Of course, we left out the part of me being an escaped convict and my relationship with the warden because that was unnecessary, and would've been the stupidest thing to tell them.

I was nervous around police officers because of my history with them, but I had no problem hiding it, especially after they asked a medic to take care of my wound. 'Damn, Liza's smart. Who knew telling the truth could make so much sense.' I thought, looking across the room to the investigators covering the warden's body in a body bag. Me and Liza were standing with one of the officers who had been asking us some questions. He flipped through some of the pages on his clipboard as he spoke.

"Well, we found his ID, and it turns out that this guy had a history of mental problems." Me and Liza looked at him in surprise. He continued, looking toward the body. "He used to be a military official but was demoted because of his sudden 'Issues' If you will, and was then put in charge of the Washington state asylum for the criminally insane. But as you probably heard, or saw on the news, he went crazy through an electrical malfunction and set the place in flames, killing the prisoners along with his other officers inside it before he escaped. We've been looking for this guy everywhere."

Me and Liza were stunned, although the officer didn't notice. Liza then shifted her position nervously. "...Do you know if any of the prisoners escaped...?" The officer turned to her. "Well, all the records of the prisoners that were located there were lost in the fire. But the place was virtually inescapable with the condition it was in, and only this guy had the access to leave. I assure you, no other prisoners could have gotten out. You will be perfectly safe from now on."

I was glad he took her question as a concern, and even more glad that the record of my being there was destroyed. He continued. "Well we are pretty much done here, all we need you two to do now is come down to the station, fill out some things, and answer some more questions. But we can do that another time. I have your contact information, so you two should just relax and hopefully calm down after this traumatic experience." He probably noticed that Liza was pregnant which probably was the reason why he said what he did next. He turned to me before walking away. "Take care of your wife, being under so much stress couldn't have been good for her. You two have a good night." And just like that, he was out the door.