
Chapter9: Firecracker

So I spent my Sunday well. Yes it was spent with me touching up new improvements on Venom.

Yes I named my bike, all my babies, don't shame me but that was yesterday today's Monday and as usual I'm hiding out by my locker from the group during most of lunch to avoid Spencer.

I know shameful but what can you really do when a guy doesn't get it through his thick head that I don't date. Period.

Anyway I'm pasting time on my phone when I hear it," Yo, Cheer chick what's your deal and calling people fat. Huh? I don't shame but did you clearly look in the mirror your nose job be so fake I can see it from all the way here.

Do us all a favour and the next time you wanna body shame you bring up straight to me, yeah? Great!"

She spins around on her heel and looks at me in shock, Cheer girls long forgotten. She looks down in shame and tries to walk past me but I step into her path with a crazy grin on my face.

She's like a firecracker!

" That was awesome! You were like I stand up for a chick and beat a chick and.." I trail when I see the look of shame on her face.

"Hey what's with the long face honestly I'm hyped up that someone isn't one of these mellow things walking around not that there's anything wrong with them," she looks me in the eye and tilts her head to the side.

"Wait, you liked that ? You not gonna tell me that I'm riff ruff and need to get lost?" she asks me in general curiosity. I wave her questions off and shake my head no.

I stick my hand out for a handshake and she takes it with a lovely firm grip." Lumina" "Jordan" she smiles at me and let's go of my hand.

"Lumina you toad get you mean bitch ass here and stop scaring the new girl," Jordan looks over my shoulder towards the direction of Erinn's voice.

"Friend of yours?" she asks I smile and drag her along with me to Erinn standing by the cafeteria's door." More like annoying baby sister by now but since I was spotted you my new friend are going to go down with me," she laughs at me and sits down with us at the seniors raised tables.

Before Jordan could even introduce herself the boys take the seats and I bang my head against the table with a groan. Lucky for me Rom beats Spencer to the seat next to me with dark laugh.

"Don't worry about her girly, she just being her normal weird self," Alex says to Jordan and I snap my head up and gasp dramatically." See!" he laughs out and I look to Jordan for help but what I see makes me stop and almost aww out loud.

You know that look we all get when we develop a new crush and said crush talks to and you start planing your wedding, baby names and the whole shibang. Yip you guess it Jordan has that look right now towards non other than the annoying bad boy wannabe brat Alec.

Don't get me wrong he's one of the best we have but boy does he make an effort to work on my nerves.

I smile evilly," Shut that ugly thing up, oh wait that's your face my bad that's your personal problem then," he glares at me and I smile at him sweetly.

I make a sweeping gesture towards the now normal Jordan and introduce her, a bunch of 'hey' and 'hi' is heard. We all fall in a moment of silence until Erinn slams her hand of the table in excitement and quickly puts her phone away.

We all look at her weirdly,"Sorry guys. Lumina you don't have to make dinner today I'll be working late."


"S'cool not like you don't work late almost every night. I'll just set up the game station anyway later so don't sweat it,"a look of guilt flashes over her eyes, quickly fades.

Erinn has been working late every night since she started this job and at this rate I think something else might be up. I trust her to do the right thing but lately some things haven't been adding up, its as if she has a other life.

The awkward silence is broken by Jordan," Do you need help with it I wouldn't mind you know."

I look at her and nod with a smile then go back to glaring at the table. Everyone carries on with their conversions.

"Are you ok?" I tilt my head back to look at Rom and shrug my shoulders before getting up from the table with the excuse of going to the bathroom.

I walk down the hall with the aim to head to the music room but stop short when I hear foot steps behind me.

"You don't look fine."

I stop completely and look down at my shoes," I'm fine I just hate lies and secrets and lately it feels like everyone has something to hide from me. I just need some time alone."


The bell rings to note the end of school and I make my way to the entrance. Walking over to my bike( the one my uncle bought me), I see Jordan standing next to it.

"So I'll just follow behind you till yours" she looks at me expectantly. I nod and look at what car she has. She makes her way over to a red Mini Cooper.

I hop on my bike and tear my way out of school grounds. It doesn't take us long to get home, just around 15 minutes. We park out front by my garage and Erinn comes running out the house but she stops in her tracks when she sees Jordan come stand next to me.

Her eyes narrow and I can already see the wheels turning in her head. I roll my eyes and look at Jordan," So there's a spare room that I wanna turn into a game room so we're going to be busy for a while."

She nods and smiles at me," Its cool that you're into gaming most girls aren't." We make our way to the door past Erinn and that's when she snaps and storms away .

We step into the foyer and I take my shoes of to place them in the small storage, Jordan looks at what I'm doing and does the same.

We make our way the the kitchen and I start taking snacks out." Your house is so damn big!" She throws her hands in the air and does a small turn.

"I'm not use to it either don't know if I'll ever be. I mean I'm greatful but my old home was way small then this and we never had all these things. Oh God I'm rambling again." I pit my hands over my eyes and groan. I can't believe I give so much information about me to someone I just met today.

I peek through my fingers to see her nodding. "So, are we gonna ignore the fact that Erinn looked like she wanted to kill me outside?"

I sign at the change of subject and turn around back to the snacks." She thinks I'm trying to make her jealous by being friends with you. I don't do well with female friends you would be the first in five years I think."

I turn back around with everything just in time to see her jaw hit the ground in shock. I give her a small smile and lead her to the spare room with all the snacks in my arms.

"Wait you telling me you haven't had a female friend for FIVE YEARS!"

I laugh lightly and place the snacks on the floor." I don't mind they always turn mean towards me anyway," I shrug.

We put a side the chatter and got to work. We worked non stop until Jordan's phone rang she gives me a small smile and steps out the room for a minute. I look around at what we have done so far.

We didn't need to do much seeing as I did a lot on my own before this but the room really did come out nice together.

I take a seat on the black leather couch and sigh, I've never been one to have friends especially girl ones. Its always been Erinn but now things have changed I guess I was so caught up in what happened in my life that I didn't see that she went on with hers.

Jordan coming in snaps me out of my pending thoughts." Guess I got to go I didn't even notice it was this late," I take out my phone and nearly dropped my phone.

"Shit! Its almost ten, how the fuck is that possible! Come I'll walk you out," I take the lead cause I know this house can be a maize how my mom got this without me knowing is a mystery.

She puts on her shoes by the foyer and we walk up to her car. I bounce from one sock covered foot to another." I had an awesome time even though we were just being game geeks. I'm also proud to say that I am a friend of yours not arguments. You're stuck with me now," I laugh at her little rant.

We exchange numbers," Thanks ,really. I go a little crazy in a empty home sometimes. Feel free to swing by anytime, I need to company" she gives my a small nod and gets in her car.

I walk up to the door and wave as she pulls out the driveway. Stepping into the house and being alone again really does me in.

I've always been a person who preferred being alone but after the accident, I just can't. Don't get me started on sleeping either my once favourite thing now avoids me.

I have medication for it but let's face the facts I hate taking something that's only going to make me run away from the problems more.

So lately I have resorted to becoming a wondering ghost lady. Exploring the house and all its secrets until I past out for three hours maximum.


I wake up in my bedroom with a jolt. After walking around last night I decided to take a bath but I don't remember getting in bed.

I get up and do my routine same as always, brash teeth, wash face, dress in dark colours( today being black rip jeans and a over size dark blue hoodie) brush hair and do pony tail.

I'm clearly not one of those people that wash morning and night. Like with the fruit punch did u run a marathon in your sleep, why?

I gather my school bag and head on downstairs to get my one true love. FOOD! I get into the kitchen to see Erinn at the stove I turn around on my heels.

"Gonna avoid me now, like I didn't have to fish you out of a bath last night! Seriously out of all the reckless things you would do, this is way over line," she grabs my arm and turns me around to face her.

I give her a bored look, she seethes in front of me." Don't worry about me it was a slip up it won't happen again now please go on with your life and I'll handle mine," I rip my arm out of her grip and make my way towards the door to get my army boots.

I know she cares and I do too but it doesn't mean she has to forget me. I hate being forgotten and she knows that all too well.

"Yes I know I've been busy lately and I haven't been home lately but please look after yourself I haven't forgotten you're my sister for fuck sake. Just I can't with you right now I need to be and focus on me."

The moment her last words leave her mouth her eyes go wide. I look over at her and bite my lip while nodding. She steps forward and opens her mouth but I put my hand up to stop her.

I step outside and go to the garage to get Harley ( bike my uncle bought). I mount it and look up to see her standing by the door.

"I've never stopped you from living your life and I never will. But I will step back and let you run free and do as you please. Just know you may be hurting right now I understand that but you have no right to take it out on me. Whoever hurt you that's who, you need to sit and get your thoughts together cause I won't stand back and watch you hurt yourself and everyone around you."

I put my helmet on and take to the road, five minutes away from school I realise I forgot to eat something and curse under my breath. I quickly pull over and Google search for a café near.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look at who it could be. Jordan stands there with a small smile on her lips. I take my helmet off and give her a weak one in return.

"I couldn't help but notice you pull up from inside and that you're searching a café. So why not invite you to my brothers one ,come on" she walk in back into the café I did in fact failed to notice.

I shake my head at myself and joined her.


Turns out Jordan's brother wasn't there but I now know where to get the best ice coffee and giant chocolate chip cookie. You guessed at Jordy that is what the café is named a little joke Jordan's brother Archer ,who she has gladly given a name  to, has done .

I haven't seen Erinn whole day but that's cool she needs space I will give her space. Making my way to my favorite class  which is English, I come to an abrupt halt in that plan though as I am being yanked into a empty classroom.

I knew I shouldn't have skipped breakfast now look at where I am.

Food has nothing to do with it you idiot !

Oh look who decided to show up.

"I know I call you weird on a daily bases but now is really really not the time," I snap my head at his tired voice.

Alec stands before me but he look life a real hot mess, pun not intended. Red  puffy eyes, his beloved hair a mess and his outfit are frumpy.

"Woah what happened to you. Are you OK?" I take a step towards him. He shakes his head no. I take another small step closer.

"Erinn broke up with me last night."

He barely gets the words out, I can see how badly this hurts him. I take a another step forward and lift his chin up to give him a small comforting smile.

"I feel like it's my fault. All I did was ask her where she spent her time most of the days and she...she told me that she couldn't...couldn't do it anymore.

She said she never wanted to hurt me...that she was a mess right now and needed time to get everything straight... But... But  Lum I cant... Wasn't I enough, didn't I care and I know she needs time but I don't know if I really believe that... I-"

I cut him off with a hug, I feel his body shake as he cries on my shoulder. I rub his back in circles. He needs this moment to get himself together.

"You are enough and will always be enough. I know you don't believe her excuse and trust me you don't need to. What you do need to believe is that you did the best that you could.

Sometimes we meet certain people and they leave us feeling broken but you need to be broken to  be made stronger then before.

Someone once told me that we are like goodies sometimes we get delivered to the wrong person and cause of that they mishandle you. But know that you will be handed back to the right person and all those mishandling will be long forgotten."

I pull back and wipe his cheeks, I smile up at him and he gives me a watery grin in return.

"Now buck up buttercup. We don't want anyone to see the big strong Alec down because any King only bows down to his Queen," I gives his right cheek a pat and make my way to English, which I am late to but a friend in need is a friend indeed.
