Chapter 20

After bolting from the bedroom, Louisa rushed out of the villa in search of Matthew. She needed to get out of the Montoya compound but she knew that if she left on her own, her father would ask too many questions. Getting Matthew to drive her out of there on some last-minute-shopping pretext would satisfy him enough. It would also give her the opportunity to unburden herself on her trusted friend.

Louisa sighed in relief when she saw that Matthew was still in the gazebo. But the sight of Rafael and Miguel sitting across from him stopped her in her tracks. Thankfully, only Matthew was facing in her direction so she was able to easily catch his attention with just a wave of her hand. The look on her face must have told him of her dilemma since he excused himself at once from his two companions and ran towards her. Upon reaching her, she grabbed his hand and practically dragged him behind her. Matthew, being used to all of her emotional ups and downs, did not protest but dutifully followed in silence.

Her plan to leave the compound, however, was dashed when upon reaching the driveway, they found out that their SUV was no longer there. Matthew then recalled that her father had been meaning to go to the local market to buy some fresh beef. He and Pedro must've left just before the two of them got there. Louisa knew that if she wanted to gather her wits about her, she still needed to get out of there, fast. Instinct told her that Gabriel would soon be searching for her. And she'd rather not face him right now. Not before she'd released some steam.

Seeing as they would not be able to leave the compound on foot (her flimsy sandals would not survive the trek) Louisa and Matthew contented themselves with strolling around the grounds. They'd barely reached the now empty gazebo when they heard Gabriel calling out to them. Louisa immediately stiffened as she tightly clutched Matthew's hand. She did not even notice her friend wincing in pain. It was only when Matthew started to fidget that she loosened her hold, though not completely. She still needed Matthew to stand as a buffer between her and Gabriel.

As soon as Gabriel had reached them, however, her hand was brusquely wrenched away from Matthew's as she was abruptly dragged behind her fiancé. Matthew started to protest but a sharp warning glance from Gabriel stopped him short.

"Gabriel, please stop," Louisa protested, twisting desperately against Gabriel's hold.

"We need to talk," was Gabriel's calm reply.

"No, we don't."

"Yes, we do, so stop squirming, you'll only bruise your arm."

"I don't care."

"I do."

"Well, then, let go of me."

"Not yet."

Louisa felt herself starting to panic as she realized where they were going. She did not think she could trust herself to be in the same room with this man ever again. But her efforts to escape Gabriel's hold brought her nothing but pain and soon enough, they were back where they started – in the room that bore witness to her shame.

Gabriel pulled her inside, briefly letting go of her hand to lock the door behind him. Louisa could no longer contain her fury and finally, she lashed out in frustration, her right hand connecting soundly with Gabriel's left cheek. Judging from Gabriel's still form, it barely made a dent. Still, she felt a rather perverse pleasure at seeing the red imprint her hand had left on his bronzed cheek. Her pleasure, though, was short-lived and was immediately replaced by bewilderment when Gabriel reacted differently from what she'd expected. He was laughing. Again.

"Are you still drunk?"

"No, dearest. Even if I were, your slap would've sobered me up," Gabriel replied, chuckling softly as he rubbed his offended part.

"It barely touched you. Guess you really have a thick hide," Louisa mumbled, annoyed at Gabriel's merriment.

"Thankfully, I think I do. But if you don't mind, my dear, I'd rather not be subject to such abuse again."

"Abuse? Don't you think I'm the one who's being abused here?"

"You feel abused?"

"Yes, of course! What did you think? That I like being fondled by a drunk?"

Gabriel sighed, his shoulders slumping visibly. He walked past Louisa and sat on the bed, his elbows resting on his knees as his hands cradled his bent head. Raking his fingers through his hair, he then looked up and smiled softly at Louisa, his eyes full of warmth and, what – remorse?

Louisa's stomach clenched and twisted inside her as she felt her body respond to Gabriel's hypnotic gaze.

"I'm sorry, Louisa. What I said earlier was wrong. I did not do what I did because of the drink. Even if I were stone-cold sober, I still would've done it. The drink only made me bolder."

"Why did you do it in the first place, Gabriel?"

"Why? Because every cell in my body was screaming for it. You drive me crazy, Louisa. And I'd never felt this way before, so pardon me if I don't know what to do about it."

Louisa was surprised by the testiness in Gabriel's voice. It also annoyed her.

Is this another of his tricks? Another one of his games? She decided to put Gabriel in his place before he confused her even more. Time to pull out the big guns!

"I still don't understand what's going on, Gabriel. I know you're so against this betrothal. I know you're only doing this to please your father. I know you never, ever, really liked me, I know.."

Her tirade was cut short when Gabriel abruptly pulled her down and kissed her, his arms crushing her into him. Louisa felt the first stirrings of desire blossom within the pit of her stomach even as she tried hard to disentangle herself from Gabriel's embrace, afraid of where this kiss would lead them.

But Gabriel pulled away before she could even make her reluctance evident. He then gently laid her down on the feather-soft bed and sat beside her, his eyes bright with longing. Louisa's heart melted. She reached up and caressed the cheek that she'd earlier hit in anger, surprised to find his skin soft and velvety to the touch. Gabriel took her hand and planted a soft kiss on her palm.

"Don't feel sorry about that slap. I deserved it," Gabriel said, his face suddenly somber and unsmiling.

"Oh, I'm not sorry. I'm just amazed at how quickly your thick hide recovered from it. I did not even bruise it one bit!" Louisa replied, smirking mischievously at him. Gabriel laughed.

"I knew you'd say that."

"I still think you owe me an explanation."

"I know. But even I, myself, am still trying to understand what's happening between us. I admit I was against this betrothal from the very start. But I don't feel like that anymore." Gabriel said, his eyes boring into hers, searching, pleading.

And Louisa felt her throat go dry as her heart started doing somersaults in her chest.

"You make me feel things I've never felt before, Louisa. Yes, I've had relations with women before, I don't deny that." Gabriel paused and cupped Louisa's face, planting a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. A cold shard of insane jealousy sliced through her at the thought of Gabriel in another woman's arms.

"But I've never felt this overwhelming, crazy, uncontrollable desire for any of them. I actually thought I was not capable of such intense feelings until I held you in my arms that day in the hospital."

His words were like a cool, gentle breeze to her parched, aching soul and Louisa felt like floating, soaring, flying off into space. It really wasn't a declaration of love but if that's the closest she can get Gabriel to admitting his feelings then she'd take it. She'd even throw her pride right out the window and be glad for it. But did she get it right? Or was she putting too much meaning to his words again?

"But, what are you trying to say, Gabriel?"

Gabriel let go of her face then took both of her hands in his as he slowly slid off the bed and knelt before her. Louisa felt goosebumps crawling up her whole body.

"I don't know. All I know is that I want you to be my wife, Louisa Almendrez. Not because you were betrothed to me. Not because my father wants to join our families together. Not because it is my duty. Not because of anything else other than that I want you. I want you as I've never wanted anyone before."

"Gabriel!" Louisa exclaimed, overwhelmed by Gabriel's admission, the hammering inside her chest now strangely feeling like a runaway train.

This can't be true! I must not fall for his sweet words again. But are you sure he's lying? What if he really means it?

Before she could say anything else, Gabriel kissed her trembling fingers and said the words she'd waited a lifetime to hear.

"I'm not asking you to feel the same way. All I want is for you to give this marriage a chance, to give me a chance to win your heart. I've never been in love before, Louisa. So I really don't know how that feels. But from what I understand, what I'm going through right now closely resembles it. Who knows, this really may be love after all."

And Louisa did what some women do when they get overcome by emotion. She did something she'd never done before.

She fainted.