Adalwulf Blågrønn's Stats (Chapter 35)

[Name: Adalwulf Blågrønn

Level: 3

Strength: I - 0 (SS-2598)

Endurance: I - 0 (S-1999)

Dexterity: I - 0 (SS-2700)

Agility: I - 0 (SSS-3000)

Magic: I - 0 (SSS-3000)

Innate Skills:

·Vánagandr Ofvöxtur (Fenrir's Overgrowth): Allows the user to break through the limit of S in Basic Abilities, growing above those of his same level. This skill also renders any kind of curse, spell or charm that affects the user's free will, as it would stunt his growth. NEW: This Skill can also evolve other Skills and Spells the user owns. "When thou yearns for growth, thy mortal vessel shalt break thy limits."

·Skuggaþrjótur (Shadow Trigger) {Locked}: This skill has two stages. The first one gives the user a "Devil Form" in which his stats are augmented and the user's sword takes the form that is most suited for his soul. In its second stage, the limiters are removed, which simply doubles the user's stats and creates a twin sword. In both stages, the user can move through shadows.

Chant: "Shadow, thou whom swallows all of creation when they fall under the blanket of Nott. Answer mine call, and aid me in mine quest."

·Samkennd (Empathy): Allows the user to be more in touch with emotions, giving the capacity to both transmit and perceive feelings. The user can only transmit emotions to those he sees as allies. Divine beings may be inmune to the skill if they have negative emotions towards the user. NEW: The user now can feel the emotions of those whose Souls are bound to him as if they were his own. In turn, those who have their souls bound to the user can tacitly understand him. Emotions felt from others may be amplified, as the user must feel the entirety of them in just a moment. "Thou who seeks for understanding, shalt find his meaning."

·Kongen av Helte (King of Heroes): "A king is one who fights for his country, his people. One who doesn't doubt to do what has to be done, and doesn't fear playing the role of judge, punisher and executioner." Those who the user deems as his allies are considered his "country", and those he sees as enemies are those who deserve punishing or executioning. Whenever the user is fighting against his enemies, with his allies or for his allies, his and his allies' stats will be increased. The user also has a "kingly aura" around him, pressuring those who hold bad intention towards him and creating a feeling of safety for those his allies.


: Increases the chances of catching rare fishes. It is related to Luck, which stems from Fate. "Ho, did ya think I would left empty-handed?"

: Corrects the form and fluidity of movements when wielding a sword of any kind. "A good swordsman can cut even with a wooden sword."

: Increses the dexterity with which the user moves his body. "A cat always falls on its legs."

: Increases the user's capacity of finding trails and tracking objectives. "A good hunter is that which never allows his prey to escape."

: The user's affinity to Magic increases the more he is exposed to it. Gives the user a chance to learn a Spell just by listening to its Chant. "A sage is he who knows without the need to see."


NEW ·Sjel Handel (Soul Trade): The user can bind someone's soul to himself. This skill doesn't require a chant, as it is a contract made subconsciously between the two souls. The user can and the second party can use this spell to track each other, and can feel whenever the other person is in danger.

Souls Bound: ·Ais Wallenstein ·Ryuu Lion

Development Skills: ]