
Adventurer: Adventurers are people with statuses that explore the Dungeon below Babel. Overall, adventurers are grouped into one of two different classes:

Low Class Adventurers: Low Class Adventurers are Level 1 adventurers

High Class Adventurers: High Class Adventurers are Level 2+ adventurers

Starting at Level 2, adventurers can also be referred to by differently numbered classes.

Third Class Adventurers: Third Class Adventurers are Level 2 adventurers

Second Class Adventurers: Second Class Adventurers are Level 3-4 adventurers

First Class Adventurers: First Class Adventurers are Level 5+ adventurers

Alias : An alias is a second name given to all adventurers during the Denatus by the Gods once they reach Level 2. An alias can potentially change every time an adventurer levels up. Certain Gods take advantage of the naming process to give chuunibyou type aliases to adventurers from weaker Familia for entertainment purposes, however as there is a difference in how the children perceive them, they consider it to be cool.

Supporter: Supporters are people that explore the dungeon along with adventurers. They carry many things ranging from magic stones dropped from monsters to spare weapons and items. New Familia members can serve as supporters to older Familia members to gain experience in the Dungeon. In some cases, members of a Familia may serve as supporters to the more experienced members.

Three Great Quests: The three great quests are for the subjugation of the Behemoth, Leviathan, and the One Eyed Black Dragon. The Zeus and Hera Familias were able to complete the first two quests but were defeated in the battle against the One Eyed Black Dragon.


Status: The Status is the Falna set as various parameters. The status is made up from Basic Abilities, Development Abilities, Magic, Skills, and the overall Level.

Level: A level shows the rank of an adventurer. The status of an adventurer is considered to be secret information but the level of an adventurer is required to be reported and is shown to others. Most adventurers are Level 1, and currently the only Level 7s are Ottar of the Freya Familia and one other unknown person. When the Zeus and Hera Familias were still active, they had a Level 8 and 9 adventurer respectively. Just defeating monsters doesn't lead to a level up. To level up, one must have a D rank in at least one Basic Ability and accomplish something that even the Gods would be impressed with, such as defeating a stronger monster. Leveling up is hard to do outside of Orario due to the only Dungeon being located there, and Level 3 outside of Orario is considered to be excellent.

Basic Abilities: The Basic Abilities are Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Magic. Each one is shown with a rank and a number from 0-999. 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 is F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 is C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S. Basic Abilities can be raised through excelia gained from training and battles. Basic Abilities reset to I0 at every level up although the abilities gained before each level up will remain as an invisible base. It is normally impossible to go past S rank, though Bell Cranel has done this through Liaris Freese, having had statuses at SS and SSS rank.


Development Abilities: Development Abilities are different from basic abilities in the sense that they are characteristics specializing in a certain area. Starting from Level 2, there is a chance of gaining one every rank up. There is also the chance of one not appearing at rank up, or multiple appearing to choose from. Bell's Luck, Ais' Swordsman, Abnormal Resistance, and Hunter are examples of choosing from multiple development abilities. Like basic abilities, development abilities are also categorized from I to S; however, they are much harder to train and do not reset to I at each new rank up. Additionally, development abilities can improve during a normal status update.

Skills: Unlike development abilities, skills can appear regardless of level. They can correct and strengthen specific basic abilities, magic, and actions. The chance of discovering a skill is said to be rare, and skills with effects that no one else has are considered to be rare skills, with Bell's Liaris Freese and Argonaut being examples of said category. Skills can be discovered during a level up or through other methods such as smithing. Some skills can have variations like Tione and Tiona's Berserk.

*Magic & Curses*

Magic: Magic is considered to be a strong power. There are two different types of magic; congenital magic, magic based on one's own ability and race, and acquired magic, magic based on the Falna given by the Gods and Goddesses. Most magic require a specific chant to activate, with the exception of no chant magic like Firebolt, and the longer the chant the stronger the magic is. When the user becomes unable to control the magic power when using magic, an "Ignis Fatuus" occurs, causing it to explode and damage the user.

People naturally have between one to three slots for magic and can normally only learn one magic per slot, however most people tend to never have any magic appear. For people with one or two slots, the number can be increased via the usage of a grimoire. Apart from that, the development ability Mage can strengthen the power, the length of time, the amount of targets, and the effect area of magic. Also, those that have it gain a magic circle when they cast magic.

It is also possible to use magic without a falna, though it requires the user to undergo training and rituals and use a long chant systematized during the ancient times. The magic used by the Elves in Alf's Royal Forest have more than twelve verses. Magic used without a falna is weak compared to magic used with one, making it impractical against the latter, and it has a higher chance of an Ignis Fatuus.

Certain people are able to use "concurrent chanting", a high level technique involving casting magic while fighting or moving around. Its difficulty is likened to dealing with a bomb with both hands while fighting due to the chance of failing a chant or not being able to control their own magic power. Skill at using concurrent chanting depends on how much experience the user has with it, as Lefiya observed that Ryuu was far more skilled at it than Riveria. Currently, only Riveria, Filvis, Lefiya, Ryuu, Aisha, Fels, Alicia, Mikoto, and Ottar have been shown to be able to use it.

Riveria has a special technique known as "chant connection", enabling her to change the strength of her magic based on the chant length and mind usage. Through this she is able to use nine magics, which is the source of her alias Nine Hell, though she is able to use them separately as well.

The Elven knights in Alf's Royal Forest use what's known as "horseback chanting", leaving tracking and evading up to their horses while they chant, making it similar to concurrent chanting.

Curses: Unlike magic, curses are primarily used to hinder an opponent, such as confusing, binding, or sharing pain with an opponent, though like magic they are cast through a chant. All curses require a cost from the user in exchange for their power, which is a key point in differentiating between magic and curses.

The effects of curses can only be prevented or treated by using certain magic items created specifically to combat them, such as Fels' cloak, and cannot be prevented by the development ability Abnormal Resistance. This is shown by Finn's injury that he received from Revis' cursed sword, which wouldn't stop bleeding even after they tried freezing the wound.

Curses can also be crafted into weapons known as curse weapons by hexers. Like regular curses, damage dealt by them require items or magic to get rid of.


Gods: Gods are the leaders of Familia and came down to the lower world starting 1000 years ago.

Spirits: Spirits are said to be the children the Gods loved the most. They are strong magic users and can even use magic better than Elves. Like Gods, Spirits can't have children. There are different types of Spirits, such as Salamander, Gnome, Tonitrus, Lux, and Undine.

Human: Humans are generally said to be the weakest race.

Amazoness: Amazoness are a Demi Human race of dark skinned women. Since they only give birth to Amazonesses, they have to leave their villages to find men. They also have their own language that is different from Koine, the common dialect.

Boaz: Boaz are a Demi Human race of boar people.

Cat People: Cat People are a Demi Human race that have cat ears and tails.

Chienthrope: Chienthropes are a Demi Human race that have dog ears and a tail.

Cow People: Cow people are a race of Demi Humans that have cow ears and horns.

Dark Elves: This are Elves with a darker skin tone and are less atuned to magic, but have better physics.

Dwarves: Dwarves are a Demi Human race of short people, though there can be exceptions, such as Mia Grand. They have considerable strength and can defeat weak monsters without a falna.

Half Dwarves: Half Dwarves are a Demi Human race and a mix between Humans and Dwarves.

Elves and High Elves: Elves are a Demi Human race of highly intelligent beings who excel at magic. They live in forests. High Elves are members of the royal family.

Half Elves: Half Elves are a Demi Human race and a mix between Humans and Elves. Some Elves don't think too highly of them.

Hume Bunnies: Hume Bunnies are a Demi Human race of rabbit people. (I am definitely going to OC a Shea-ish character here. Sorry for Canon lovers.)

Pallum: Pallum are a Demi Human race of small people. Like Humans, they are generally said to be the weakest race, but they have excellent sight that allows them to see in the dark.

Raccoon People: Raccoons are a Demi Human race that have raccoon ears and tails.

Renards: Renards are a Demi Human race that have fox ears and a tail. They are known for possessing rare magic.

Sheep People: Sheep people are a race of Demi Humans that have sheep horns.

Weretiger: Weretigers are a Demi Human race that have tiger ears and a tail.

Werewolf: Werewolves are a Demi Human race that have wolf ears and a tail. Like that idiot Bete.

Xenos: The Xenos are monsters that have intelligence. They are much more intelligent than other monsters and some can speak the Human language. They search for their comrades in the unexplored portions of the dungeon. All Xenos have a strong longing for the surface and someday desire to reach the surface.


Guild: The main goal of the Guild is to manage the monster threat created in the dungeon. Aside from this, the Guild buys magic stones, drop loot, and adventurer created maps of the dungeon. The Guild also provides weapons and armor to new adventurers who are just starting out.

The Guild staff also take the position of advisors for adventurers, often suggesting at what depth an adventurer should go in a dungeon in accordance to their level and skills, as well as warning them of any special dangers of certain floors and how to prepare against them. A staff member may be in charge of one or more adventurers.

The Guild has several branch offices outside of Orario, one of which is in Melen. The Melen branch office oversees the harbor and controls the various trade goods going in and out of Orario.

Underneath the Guild is the Room of Prayer, where Ouranos is located. Ouranos stays in this room and uses his divinity as a "prayer" in order to prevent the monsters in the dungeon from leaving it.

Familia: Familia are made up of adventurers and supporters headed by a God or Goddess. They are named after the God or Goddess in charge, such as Hestia being the head of the Hestia Familia. Most Familia are exploration type Familia, though there are other types such as business type, industrial type, medicinal type, and even nation type. Each Familia is given a rank ranging from I to S based on size and achievements, which is taken into account in determining how much money each Familia has to pay the Guild during their monthly taxes. Certain Familia, like the Hermes Familia, don't report rank ups to avoid paying more, however this is illegal. When an exploration type Famila reaches rank D, they are required by the Guild to go on an expedition.

Casino: Casinos are facilities that are extraterritorial, first created when the Guild gave into Gods wanting entertainment facilities. Working with outside organizations, entertainment facilities were created in the Entertainment District. Problems caused in the casinos can become international problems as they are run by the outside organizations and so they are guarded by the Ganesha Familia.

Theater: Theaters were the second location created along with casinos. Like casinos, theaters are extraterritorial and are operated by the outside organizations.


Denatus: The Denatus is a meeting of the Gods held once every three months. Many things are discussed and aliases are given to adventurers that ranked up.

War Game: A War Game is a battle between Familia with set rules. The Gods and Goddesses use their Familia members to express their will, similar to a proxy war. A special Denatus is held to set rules and decide on what type the War Game will be along with what the winner would receive. The God or Goddess that loses in a War Game must obey the terms set during the Denatus without question. Various types of War Game include Single Combat, Siege, and various others.

Mission: Missions are quest like orders given out by the Guild. The Familia that receive them must do as written.

Conversion: Conversions happen when a person switches from one Familia to another. Once a person switches Familia, they must wait a year before switching back or switching to a different Familia. Having a conversion requires the consent of both Gods involved.


The Dungeon is a complex labyrinth located under the Babel. Orario is the only place in the world that has a Dungeon and many people of different races gather from across the world to explore the Dungeon.

The Dungeon is seemingly alive, spawning monsters from walls and ceilings and repairing itself on its own. It has an immense hatred of the Gods, immediately sealing the exits of a room if it detects one, and spawns a black version of a monster in order to kill them. The black monsters are far stronger than normal and display some intelligence, as the Black Wyvern looked around for its target. Despite this, it doesn't spawn another black monster after the first one is killed even if the God in question isn't dead, implying that its ability to act is limited to some extent.

The dungeon is vast with the floors becoming progressively larger the deeper it gets. It takes at least five days for a party to reach the 50th floor. While the upper floors can be soloed or done with a pair, starting from the middle floors one must create a party or risk death.

Entrance: The entrance to the Dungeon is on the first underground floor of Babel. In the center of the room is a ten meter long hole that leads straight into the Dungeon. Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky. Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the Dungeon.

Upper Floors:

·1st-4th: The walls are light blue colored, and the monsters that appear are Goblins or Kobolds. There is also a wide hallway on the 1st Floor known as the Beginning Road. Newbie Level 1 adventurers with status of I to H in their basic abilities normally spend time on these floors.

·5th-7th: The walls change to a light green color and the structure of the Dungeon begins to change. Stronger monsters such as Killer Ants appear and the monster birth time is faster. It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have status of at least G in their basic abilities to explore these floors.

·8th-9th: The amount and size of rooms increase and the length of the hallways between them become shorter. Also, the ceiling changes height from three to four meters from the floors above to nearly ten meters above. Moss covers the brown colored walls and the ground below becomes a short grass plain. The strong light from the phosphorescence above is similar to light from the sun. No new monsters appear, however Goblins and Kobolds are stronger than above. It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have status of at least E in their basic abilities to explore these floors.

10th-12th:The 10th Floor keeps the same structure as the 8th and 9th Floors above, however the light from above becomes reminiscent of morning mist. Mist appears across the floor making vision terrible. Large category monsters such as Orcs and Infant Dragons begin to appear here. The 11th Floor has mist like the 10th Floor. The mist on the 12th Floor becomes much thicker than the 10th and 11th Floors above.

The 11th and 12th Floors are extremely dangerous for Level 1 adventurers because stronger monsters like Silverbacks and Hard Armoreds appear here. Infant Dragons that are categorized as Level 2 and considered as floor boss of the area also appear though rarely. It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have status of at least B in their basic abilities to explore these floors. Parties that explore these floors are normally the ones preparing to venture into the middle floors for the first time.

Middle Floors:

·13th-17th: The 13th-17th Floors are known as the Cave Labyrinth. The entrance to the 13th Floor is called the First Line. Starting from the 13th Floor, the walls, ground, and ceiling become made of bedrock. While the upper floors are just flat, circular maze, the middle floors have more complex layout which include intertwining upper and lower tunnels. The light becomes darker and the air seems to be moist. Vertical holes leading to the deeper floors appear randomly. On the 17th Floor, a huge wall appears in the big room located called the Big Wall of Grief which spawns the Monster Rex Goliath.

The layout is more complex and monsters spawn at faster rate in the middle floors than in the upper floors, so it is very difficult for Level 2 adventurers to solo these floors. The monsters on the 13th and 14th Floors are not much different than the ones on the 12th Floor in terms of strength and so even Level 2 adventurers with status of I and H in most of their basic abilities are capable of exploring these floors. On the 15th-17th Floors, monsters categorized as Level 2 individually such as Minotaurs start to appear and it's recommended for Level 2 adventurers to have at least G in their basic abilities to pass through these floors and arrive on the 18th Floor safely.

18th (Rivira): The 18th Floor is a safety point where no monsters are born, though some monsters can come up from the floor below. It is also called the Under Resort. The floor is filled with crystals and nature. Large forests and lakes cover the floor. Within the forest are blue crystals of different sizes that reflect the light from above, causing the forest to be filled with a pale blue glow.

The exceptionally high ceiling is filled with brilliant shining crystals of two colors, white crystals in the center that resemble the sun, and blue crystals surrounding it that resemble the sky. The amount of light from the crystals depends on the time and cycles through the day.

On an eastern side of the island facing the lake stands the city of Rivira. It is located 200 meters above the lake on a cliff. Level 2 adventurers would need to be extremely capable to reach this floor solo.

·19th-24th: The 19th through 24th Floors are known as the Large Tree Labryinth. The walls, ground, and ceiling are made out of wood making it seem like the inside of a giant tree. Instead of phosphorescent light, radiating moss grows across the floor and give off blue light. These floors contain a large amount of unexplored areas and a large variety of insect-type monsters. Having the abnormal resistance development ability is key to safely passing through these floors due to the large number of poisonous monsters on these floors. The plant diversity on these floors often provides ingredients used to make healing items which result in many resource gathering quests being issued for this area.

The 24th Floor is very close to being considered as one of the lower floors of the Dungeon. It is much larger than the previous floors, being at least half the size of Orario. There are rare trees that produce valuable gems that can be sold at good price. The monsters on this floor are larger in number, more frequent to encounter and some of them are stronger than Level 2 adventurers. It's recommended for Level 2 adventurers to have status of at least C in their basic abilities to reach this far.

Lower Floors:

·25th-27th: The entrance to the 25th Floor is known as the Second Line. The 25th through 27th Floors are known as the Water City. The 25th Floor marks the beginning of the Great Fall, a huge waterfall estimated to be 400 meters wide and twice that in length, which lasts until the 27th Floor. The 25th Floor was also described as being a paradise of water. In order to move on to the next floor, adventurers must navigate through a series of passageways varying in elevation around the waterfall to reach the passageway at the bottom of their current floor. The bottom of the waterfall basin on the 27th Floor leads out to Melen's Lolog Lake, though it's unknown where the water goes now due to the exit being sealed using the Leviathan's remains. The Monster Rex Amphisbaena is located here and can freely move between the floors and the labyrinth area. Adventurers can squeak by as Level 2 down to the 27th Floor but the standard for the Lower Floors is Level 3.

Deep Floors:

·37th: The 37th Floor is known as the White Palace as the walls, ground, and ceiling are colored white with the floor being a giant labyrinth. The floor is on a different scale than the floors above it as the space between hallways, rooms, and walls is huge. The entrance to the 38th Floor is located at the center of the floor, which is where the Monster Rex Udaeus is located, and around it are five huge circular walls that adventurers have to navigate through to reach the center. Bell likens the 37th Floor to a cake in a box and it's said that the floor is large enough to contain Orario.

The walls are numbered 1-5 starting from the innermost wall, and the area between two walls is referred to as different rooms; the Udaeus' area inside the 1st wall is the Throne Room, and from there, the Knight's Room, the Warrior's Room, the Soldier's Room, and the Beast's Room. The area between the walls gets smaller the closer to the Throne Room and the labryinth becomes more complicated.

Colosseums start appearing, which are rooms that spawn monsters non stop until a certain amount is reached.

·38th-49th: The first safety point in the deep floors is the 39th Floor.

The walls, ground, and ceiling of the 44th Floor are colored burning red and distorted rocks lie on the ground across the floor. Along the walls are cracks that are colored black which make it seem like it carbonized. Red light shine lightly from inside the cracks, giving off an eerie presence.

The 49th Floor is known as the Moytura and is a huge room. No grass or trees grow on the desolate ground. The rocks and the sand are all a reddish brown color. It also contains the Monster Rex, Balor.

·50th: The 50th Floor is another safety point where no monsters are born, however just like the 18th Floor monsters can come to the floor from above or below. Gray colored trees cover the floor up until the end of the floor. Vein like rivers run endlessly through the trees.

·51st-57th: The 51st through 57th Floors are a labyrinth which is rare on the deeper floors. The walls, ground, and ceiling are flat and the structure makes it seem that it was carefully measured. Many corners and crossroads exist across the floors.

The floors are also called the Dragon's Vase, as starting from the 52nd Floor the Valgang Dragons on the 58th Floor lock onto adventurer positions and fire flares through multiple floors.

·58th: The 58th Floor is one vast room. The walls, ground, and ceiling are made of graphite and resemble a huge rectangular room. It contains a large number of Valgang Dragons.

·59th: According to the Zeus Familia, the 59th floor and onward was known as the "Glacier Territory", with glacial lake streams, fierce cold, and ice covering the area.

However, the terrain was modified when the new monsters took over, making it into a jungle like area. Past the jungle area is a large area that is covered with the ashes of countless dead monsters, making the whole area a gray color.


Monsters are born from the walls and ceilings of the dungeon and fight adventurers. They are the enemies of the people and will attack without any warning. Monsters appeared from the dungeon even before the Gods and Goddesses came from Heaven and some still live on the surface in various places, however monsters on the surface use the power of their magic stone to multiply, and so those on the surface are far weaker than the same ones inside the Dungeon.

Some monsters, through unknown means, have been reborn into an existence known as the Xenos. Unlike other monsters, they are intelligent, though some are unable to talk at all. These Xenos seem to be reincarnations of previous monsters that have been killed multiple times by adventurers. Normal monsters view them as enemies instead of allies and attack them. In order to protect themselves, in addition to becoming stronger, they eat the magic stones of monsters they defeat.

There are also certain monsters that have grown stronger than normal due to eating magic stones which are known as strengthened species. Oftentimes these monsters occur accidentally.


Valis: Valis is the currency used in Orario. One can buy a Jagamarukun at 30-40 valis, materials for one meal at 50 valis, and a more expensive meal at a bar for 300 valis. Bell's first dagger cost 3,600 valis, his first armor cost 5,000 valis, and a lowest rank potion costs 500 valis. A party of five Level 1 adventurers can make around 25,000 valis a day, and at 800,000 valis one can buy a good house. Hestia is currently 200,000,000 valis in debt. The symbol for valis is a v with two lines through it.

Magic Stone: Magic Stones are the core of monsters and are always located in the chest area of the monster. Adventurers and Supporters gather magic stones to trade them in for valis at the Guild. Magic Stones have magical power in them that can be used for things such as lighting, water purification, cooking stoves, refrigerators, and other things. If one breaks the Magic Stone while in the monster, the monster immediately dies.

Drop Item: Drop Items are items that can sometimes remain along with the Magic Stone after a monster dies. They are parts of the dead monster and are used to make weapons and items and therefore are traded at high prices.

Magic Sword: Magic Swords enable the user to fire Magic from the sword. Only those with a large amount of experience can make them. Magic Swords shatter after being used a certain amount of times and are also weaker than Magic used by adventurers. The exception to this is Welf's Crozzo Blood ability that lets him create Crozzo's Magic Swords that were even said to be powerful enough to dry up oceans.


Orario City: Orario, also known as Labyrinth City Orario, is the only city in the world that has a dungeon.

Babel Tower: Babel was built to stop the monsters within the dungeon from escaping. It was originally the same size as the buildings but was intentionally destroyed when the first Gods came down to earth. Those Gods later rebuilt it as it currently stands.

Babel is owned by the Guild to watch and take care of the dungeon. The first twenty floors are filled with Familia business, facilities, and money exchanges. The Hephaestus Familia has shops in floors 4-8. Above that are living areas of the most prominent Gods in Orario, known as the Private Rooms. Freya lives on the top floor of Babel.

Hostess of Fertility: The Hostess of Fertility is a well known pub in Orario.

Daedalus Street: Daedalus Street is a wide residential area for the poor class located in between Orario's east and south east Main Streets. It was designed by an eccentric man known as Daedalus and is complex due to the multiple planning done to it. It is rumored that one will never find their way out once they enter, and is often called the other dungeon.

Knossos: The Man Made Dungeon Knossos, more commonly known as Knossos, is an artificial underground labyrinth which connects the Dungeon and Daedalus Street, effectively serving as a second entrance to the dungeon. Knossos' creation began with Daedalus after he was captivated by the original dungeon. His descendants, including Dix, were forced to carry on this project by their blood, which Dix referred to as a "blood curse". Despite being worked on for a thousand years, the man made dungeon only extends as far as the middle floors.

Shreme Old Castle Ruins: The Shreme Old Castle Ruins is a citadel located in the middle of the plains southeast of Orario. The citadel was built in ancient times and was used as a point to stop monsters before Babel was created. It is currently in ruins but was once used by Rakia as a strategic point and so most of the functions are still operational.

Agris: Agris is a town located near the Shreme Old Castle Ruins

Rakia: Rakia is a warmongering kingdom located on the western side of the continent. It frequently wages war on other countries, including Orario which is located further west of it.

Sword Smithing City Zolingham: A city that creates swords. The Hephaestus Familia has a contract with a blacksmith in the city. There is also has a forge that she has good relations with.

Far East: The Far East is an island country surrounded by water and has four distinct seasons. It is a country wrought with wars, diseases, and monsters. For those reasons, it isn't uncommon for children to be orphans. This is where the Takemikazuchi Familia comes from.

Alv Mountains: The Alv Mountains are located directly east of Orario and are regarded as sacred

Seolo Forest: The Seolo Forest is located directly east of Orario at the base of the Alv Mountains.

Beol Mountains: The Beol Mountains are a mountain range located directly north of Orario. It is comprised of many mountains that have steep inclinations, bad roads and various hidden lakes similar to the ones found in the Dungeon. Due to its close proximity to Orario, the descendants of many monsters that escaped the dungeon long ago still reside there, making it known as the Evil Mountain.

Edas Village: An old village located in the Beol Mountains. Originally an Elven settlement, it now houses people of many races.

Opera Country Meilstora: A country that assisted the Guild in creating amusement facilities in Orario.

Amusement City Santorio Vega: A country that assisted the Guild in creating amusement facilities in Orario. They own the El Dorado Resort, a casino.

Melen: Melen is a fishing city located three kilometers southwest of Orario.

Telskyura: Telskyura is a country of Amazonesses located on a peninsula far to the southeast of Orario and is surrounded by the sea and harsh cliffs.

The Empire: The Empire is a country that is similar to Rakia in that they invade others to increase territory. The Empire is considered to be one of the stronger countries and possesses a number of high levelled people.

Dragon Valley: A place located at the northernmost part of the continent. It is considered to be one of the three great unexplored regions of the world

Elsos Ruins: The Elsos Ruins are ruins located at the end of a continent far away from Orario. It is where the monster Antares was sealed by Great Spirits during the Ancient Times.

Rhondda: Rhondda is an underground Dwarf village located at the foot of the great mountain range north of Karuna. It is where Gareth Landrock is from.

Karuna: Karuna is a city Loki and Finn visited after forming the Loki Familia and is somewhat nearby Alf's Royal Forest. It is a city that travelers and merchants stop at to rest during the travels.

Alf's Royal Forest: The forest the High Elves like Riveria Ljos Alf are from. They don't allow outsiders to enter except those they've allowed and will attack any and all intruders.

Preblica: Preblica is located next to a river at the foot of the mountains that was protected by a wall and guards. This is the city Loki first visited after coming down to the lower world and was where she met Finn.


I've been reading the wiki for hours, probably since morning, studying DanMachi due to my shallow understanding of the world it takes place in. This is hell... But hey! I am pretty confident in making an even better story now!