Hestia Familia

Ad hadn't even thought of what he blurted out. The strong feelings he could feel from her, combined with her pure and innocent beauty, were things that toppled his flirty nature. Still, as the shameless man he was, Ad took advantage of his blunder.

Adalwulf: I mean, you seem to be a very caring Goddess, and to boot, you have a pure and untainted beauty.

Misha: Ad, do you flirt with every woman you see?

Adalwulf: Not really... perhaps... maybe. Definitely not. Why~? Are you jealous, Misha~?

Misha simply decided to ignore him, together with the blush that was creeping up her face. In the end, she turned her head to the side while mumbling something about how Ad would one day be hit by lightning for embarrassing so many pure ladies.

Hestia, who seemed to find the situation comical, chuckled softly. Then she studied Ad with her sight. She instantly began feeling worried. After all, he looked strong and seemed to have a huge potential. She was a Goddess who had been turned down fourty-nine times, as she didn't have any Familia yet.

She wouldn't even be allowed to interview any new recruits, if it weren't for Ouranos owing her a favour from their times in Heaven. Still, she decided to be honest about her situation.

Hestia: I would love both of you to join, but currently, I don't have any Familia, and I can't even offer you a good place to stay at, since I live in the abandoned church that is straight south of here.

Ad, who could feel the worry and loneliness in her being, felt even more compelled to try and help her. He didn't want such a loving, caring and pure person to be left alone. So he pretended like he pulled Natsuki to the side to talk about their choice. This made Hestia feel even more despondent.

Meanwhile, Ad was whispering to Natsuki.

Adalwulf: I can feel it. She is our best shot. Not at finding a Familia, but at finding a good Family.

Natsuki: What do you mean?

Adalwulf: A "good" Familia doesn't imply that people in it are like family. It just means that they have the numbers to do their job properly. What I wanted to find, and what I would want for anyone to have, is a Familia that feels like an actual family. Not just a job.

Natsuki: I understand... and you say that you can feel it from her? That she will give us a Familia that is like a family?

Ad just nodded. He didn't actually expect her to do as he said, but he could hope. He had grown fond of Natsuki, whom he enjoyed teasing due to her pure reactions. Besides, her beauty didn't fall behind that of Hestia herself.

Natsuki: I don't understand why, but... I feel like I should trust you. Let's do it.

Ad was slightly taken aback by the trust she had in him, and his face turned into one of confusion. Natsuki seemed to find amusing how she could get a reaction out of him. Still, he soon showed a bright smile. Then, he turned towards Hestia, whose feelings of worry had grown surprisingly the longer they spent talking.

Adalwulf: We're joining you, Hestia-sama. Please accept us in your familia. I am Adalwulf Blågrønn, and this is Natsuki Kishimoto.

Hestia: Ah... well, it was to... What?! You're joining?!

Adalwulf: Isn't that what I just said?

Natsuki: Yes, I could swear I heard you say that.

Hestia's feelings, according to Ad, were now of pure bliss. So much bliss, in fact, that she charged from behind the counter straight into his arms.

Hestia: Ad-kun! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And her next victim was Natsuki, who couldn't escape the hugging machine that Hestia had turned into.

Hestia: And you too, Natsuki-chan! Thank you!

Misha was just silently enjoying the wholesome scene, as a serene smile made its way through her face. She found Ad to be a mystery. He was a flirty guy, who seemed to flirt with any beauty he saw. And still, he gave the vibe of a caring man, who could somehow tell how they were feeling at all moments.

Misha: 'I could get used to having him around.'


After having them registered as members of the Hestia Familia, Misha waved them goodbye. Ad and Natsuki were following Hestia towards the Abandoned Church, which seemed to actually be the name of the establishment. When they reached it, Natsuki seemed to be flabbergasted, while Ad found it amusing.

Ad: Well, we won't be living here for long.

Hestia: What do you mean, Ad-kun?

Hestia, by the way, had hung on to Ad's arm and didn't let it go even once during their trip. Even when they reached their objective, she didn't seem to even intend to let go. She could tell. He was just a flirty guy, but his feelings were sincere. As the Goddess of Family and Home, Hestia could more or less tell what someone felt. And towards both her and Natsuki, she could feel nothing but boundless caring from him.

Ad: Well, from now on, Natsuki and I will be entering the Dungeon. So we'll be making a lot of money. Then, I'll buy a residence worthy of the Goddess of the Hearth. What do you think, Natsuki?

The girl in question just nodded her head, feeling giddy at the thought of being an Adventurer and having the capability of growing stronger. She swore to become strong enough to be always by the side of her newfound family. She also felt slightly jealous of Hestia hanging from Ad's arm, but decided to keep that to herself.

Hestia: Well, let's go inside. I still have to perform the ritual to grant you a Falna!

Falna ws the grace given by Gods and Goddesses to their Familia members. Through the Falna, the Adventurers and Supporters could use the Excellia the absorbed to augment their Basic Abilities and reach the limit. Once the limit was reached, they could Level Up, resetting their Basic Abilities. They would keep their previous Stats hidden, as if it was a deeper layer of skin.

The ritual was very simple. But what it entailed wasn't. Agreeing to join a Gods Familia was the same as swearing them your utmost loyalty. But in the case of Hestia, it was more of a "family" contract. One that ad was ready to sign at any moment.

Hestia: Well, please take off your shirt, Ad-kun~

Adalwulf: Don't try to tease me, Hestia-sama. You might find yourself between a rock and a hard place~

Ad answered while taking off his shirt, after which he got close to Hestia and cornered her against the wall. In this situation, the hard rock were his muscles, while the hard place was the wall. Both Natsuki and Hestia blushed madly at his naked torso. Hestia, as teasing as she wanted to be, was known as one of the Big Three Virgin Goddesses, while Natsuki was a pure girl from a very reserved culture.

Laughing at his succesful teasing, Ad simply laid down on the sofa he would take for a bed. Hestia, getting over her initial embarrassment, ogled his muscled body shamelessly. Once she had enough of the view, she pricked her finger with a needle. She used her blood, the ichor from the Gods and Goddesses, to draw her Familia's Emblen on his back. After the emblen shone, it disappeared into his back, replaced by his stats.

This was the birth of the Hestia Familia.