
Ad knew that, in the current situation, it wasn't actually the Hestia Familia that had gotten recognition. It was him who got it. Hence, he had to make sure that the girls also stood out, and he had a plan to make it happen.

Getting up from his bed carefully, so as not to wake Hestia up, Ad got dressed in his regular clothes. He woke Iman, who had decided to stay in the same bed as him, up. After telling her to meet him in the backyard of the Manor, he went towards Natsuki's room. Without knocking on the door, he went inside.

Adalwulf: Natsuki, wake u...

Inside the room was Natsuki, halfway dressed. She had her top covered by her usual dress, but her lower garments were still on the bed, and Ad could fully see her underwear.

Adalwulf: Nice colour, indeed. Purple suits your...

He couldn't finished though, as a pillow had been thrown at his face. He didn't try to catch it, as a pillow wouldn't hurt him in any way.

Natsuki: Kyaaaa! Get out!

After closing the door, Ad told her to meet him at the backyard. He then left the inside of the house and sat on a tree stump, playing with his swords while waiting for the girls to come. Quickly, they arrived.

Natsuki had her usual getup, and her cheeks had a healthy blush in them, probably from the morning. Iman wore a mustard coloured cloth that hung from her shoulders, covering her breasts. It connected around her waist with a short skirt that covered only the necessary skin.

The amazonness felt slightly confused as to why her darling would call them here all of a sudden. Natsuki on the other hand, had an idea of what was coming. And for some reason, she didn't like it one little bit.

Adalwulf: Well... as of now, the Hestia Familia has three members. We are, by no means, to be looked down upon. Not because of our current power, but because of our potential.

Natsuki's eyes sharpened slightly at the thought of someone looking down on them, and other looking at them threateningly. She could understand the kind of trouble that could come with the commosion caused.

Iman had a thoughtful expression on her face, while she was actually thinking something totally unrelated to Ad's words.

Iman: 'Would Darling look at me more if I was stronger?'

Adalwulf: So... I decided to train the both of you on different areas. I'll explain what you'll be learning together and what you'll learn separately.

Ad had created personalized trainings for each girl, since they had different bodies and different skillsets. The would only learn two things together. How to position and reposition in the middle of a fight, so that they are harder to reach by the enemies, and how to select their target more effectively.

Separately, he would teach Natsuki how to identify weaknesses, evade attacks at close range, and use the area to her advantage. Iman would be taught how to evade, but would also be drilled in the usage of her strong body. She wouldn't fight, as she was mainly a healer and had no actual fighting capacity, but she would certainly have to kill a few monsters here and there.

Thus, their hellish training began.


Three days later, you could see Natsuki and Iman fighting with Ad in the forest outsite of Orario. They were jumping between trees to evade his attacks, and Iman acted as a distraction for Natsuki to attack from time to time. They had gone at it for at least two hours now, and the girls were already showing signs of exhaustion.

Ad, being the gentleman he was, decided to take a break.

Adalwulf: You girls have gotten extremely good at this. I must say that I am quite proud of you both.

Iman: Yay, Darling complimented me!

Natsuki: Thank you, Ad. We wouldn't have gotten this strong if it weren't for your help.

He smiled brightly when he heard their reactions. He knew that they weren't actually strong. But their technique and movements had reached a new level in a very short time. Natsuki could provably dodge even a Minotaur's attack, while Iman could probably reach Level 2 if she wanted. Still, Ad told her to wait for a while until she took that step.

The reason was so that her Basic Abilities would all be maxed out, that way, she would be stronger than other just leveled up Adventurers. He also wanted Natsuki, Iman and him to level up at the same time, that way, no one would feel like they are dead weight or being left behing.

He could tell for sure that the girls would have a bright future with their Innate Skills, as long as they were given the chance. And he was going to give them that chance.

Adalwulf: Ok, Natsuki, you were very good at using the trees and boulders as cover and to make me lose track of you, but you should remember that some enemies can smell of hear you. You can't really do anything about that, so you can't rely on a boulder or a wall or whatever. Use your senses too.

Natuski: Thank you for your guidance!

Adalwulf: Iman, you were very good out there, but you still seem to have a hard time choosing which direction to go. Matter-of-factly, you should always go in the direction that has more obstacles. That way whatever is chasing you will have a harder time getting to you.

Iman: I'll do just that, Darling!

Adalwulf: Good. Now... we're going to eat a very nice meal after taking a good bath. Tomorrow, we're back to the dungeon.

Natsuki: I like how that bath sounds.

Iman: Darling~ let's bath together!


Back at the Hearth Manor, Adalwulf was cooking with Natsuki. Their skills combined were pretty good, and more than enough to satiate one's palate. Iman was setting the tableware, and Hestia was comfortably laying on the sofa.

In their moment of bliss, they completely forgot about the Dungeon and whatever danger lurked in it. That was when a knock on their door brought them our of their thoughts. Ad, as the one in charge of the Familia, went to see who it was.

What he found was a couple. The man was wearing a heavy armour, silver in colour. He had blonde hair and shining green eyes. His partner was a woman with a shining blue hair, who wore a black coat. She had deep, dark blue eyes and had a smile on her face.

???: Is this the Hearth Manor?

Adalwulf: Yes, who asks?

???: We're...