Eoghan and Keeva were fighting their shadows side by side. Both the originals and the shadows worked perfectly together, timing their attacks with the parries, blocks or attacks of the other. They seemed to be on par with each other, but if one paid much attention, the real couple had a slight hand on the shadows.
The shadows, realizing that they were being pushed back, decided to play their psychological hand.
Shadow Eoghan: You are quite good, for someone who envies his Captain.
Shadow Keeva: What a stupid woman, you could've hit it big if you had waited a few more years before marriage.
Eoghan and Keeva just looked at each other, smiled and chuckled at their shadow selves. Flabbergasted at the reaction, the shadows once again threw an emotional jab to their real counterparts but, yet again, it failed.
Eoghan: Of course I'd be jealous. Every man has once dreamed of having a Harem. And he even has that logic defying skill of his!
Keeva: Even if I might've hit it bigger if I waited, I would've lost much more. Besides, I admire the Captain, but I love Eoghan.
How could the trap the shadows used work on them, if they had already accepted themselves way before the current events. Eoghan and Keeva were very communicative with each other, so they always told each other the negative emotions they felt, be it as jokes or seriously. They accepted those emotions as they came from themselves, and they had learned to accept each other the way they are.
Keeva knew that if she had been more patient a few years back, she could've found a rich man from a wealthy Familia to marry. Still, she decided to trust her love for Eoghan and married him, leaving everything she knew behind.
Eoghan had grown up in a family of knights in a country far away in the North. He was a genius spearman and had always followed the code perfectly. As someone used to being praised, he was slightly jealous when Ad got all of the attention. But that didn't make him try and betray his Captain and friend. It just made him work harder, to prove he had earned his place in the Familia.
Seeing how resolute their real selves were, the shadows smiles self-deprecatingly. Eoghan, who noticed this, frowned.
Eoghan: Don't do that. You are us, as much as we are you. So you should keep those heads held high!
Shadow Keeva: Ugh... you guys really are the opposite of us... so good and always on light's side.
Keeva: *chuckle* But we are just one being, that is why we are balanced, right?
Shadow Keeva: Yeah... but the Captain? That guys controls shadows and still, he walks under the brightest light of all.
Eoghan: I can see why you'd say that.
After their conversation ended, the shadows dispersed. Only one fight was still going on.
Adalwulf rolled beneath a slash from the shadow and quickly turned around, trying to hit the shadow's wrist. The shadow just avoided the attack by shadow-warping a few steps back.
Adalwulf: Man, why do you keep avoiding my hits?!
Shadow Adalwulf: Why do YOU keep avoiding my hits?!
Adalwulf: Stop copying me already!
Shadow Adalwulf: But we are the same guy dude! How can I be copying myself?!
Shadow/Adalwulf: GRRR!
When the rest of the Party arrived at the center of the treasury, they found Adalwulf and his shadow... being themselves. They had gone through some emotional and wholesome fights, whereas Ad... well, he seemed to be having fun, at least.
Adalwulf: Jeez... fighting myself is so annoying!
Shadow Adalwulf: Say that to me! We know exactly what eaach other is going to do!
After that, they began calling each others' attack before they did it. From slash to the knee to pierceing the kidney, they didn't miss a single attack. It was epic, absurd and, more than anything else, comical. In the end, there was someone who couldn't take it any longer.
Natsuki: Would you cut it out already! We don't have all day!
Both Ads just smiled at her teasingly. The real Ad just sat down while his shadow self squatted against his back.
Shadow/Adalwulf: Wow, someone isn't very shy all of a sudden~
Natsuki: *groan* Why does even your shadow self tease me!
Adalwulf smiled, this time soothingly, and seemed to be thinking of the right words to answer the question. Once he found them, he turned his shadow around and they both looked at everyone.
Adalwulf: Well... you see, my good side is my bad side too. Or... you could say I never denied the negative in me.
Adalwulf put a wry smile on his face before he decided to continue his explanation.
Adalwulf: I'm possessive. I don't care if I have to kill, though I'd rather not having to. I despise people who don't work on themselves, whatever their circumstance is. I am slightly manipulative. There are more things but...
He looked at them and this time, he smiled brightly, while his shadow self looked at him proudly, as if his little brother had done something great.
Adalwulf: ... that is just who I am, and that doesn't take away from the rest of me.
Eoghan and Keeva just smiled at their Captain, realizing that even in being mature, he outshined them both. Natsuki and Iman, on the other hand, just looked at him with an even bigger infatuation than before.
They had had a hard time accepting themselves, and wouldn't have been able to do it without help, be it from him or their shadow. He, on the other hand, just accepted himself the way he was since... always! Their beloved Ad was so cool.
Shadow Adalwulf: Well, it would seem like I already entertained you enough.
Adalwulf: Yup. It was good getting to talk to you, Ad.
Shadow Adalwulf: Right back at ya, Ad.
Once the goodbye was over, Ad's shadow merged with him. This kind of surprised the others, as their shadows had vanished. But the unasked question of "why" was answered before anyone could mutter a sound.
As if Ad's own merging was a trigger, all the other shadows appeared and merged with their respective true self. They all felt a sudden rush of power in their bodies, but decided to ignore it for now, as they couldn't check whatever it was without Hestia.
Adalwulf: Well... I call dibs on that mountain right there!
Eoghan: Hey! That isn't fair!
Iman: Darling is cheating! But I can't stay mad at you!
Natsuki: Adalwulf! Come back right now!
Keeva: My oh my. What am I going to do with you guys...
Before Keeva could even try to end her "mature woman" role, she was pushed on top of a pile of jewels by her beloved husband.
From the shadows of the castle, King T'chala saw those that were deemed worthy of their treasure.
T'chala: May this old city and it's belongings aid you well, fellow King.
With those words said, T'chala and the other spirits that lay dormant in the city vanished, finally able to rest in peace.