P.S. I'm Still Not Over You

After Bucky saw Anna being discharged from the hospital by his nurse, he felt guilty about what he had done.

A week later, Bucky was discharged from the hospital and planned to see Anna. However, his mother forbade him to meet Anna for that very moment.

"Bucky, I don't know that you care about Anna. But, Anna also has to have time alone, and not just run the day with you."

Mother was actually willing to protect me, the events that I often experience must be that she is trying to make me safe despite the many injuries that she had. Moreover, the severe injury was due to my own actions. I do not want the mother to continue to protect her child, now it is my turn to protect the mother.

When he went to his mother's room, he saw a paper that seemed old school. When you see what it says, it reads "P.S. I'm still not over you, Arnold."

Arnold ? What kind of name is that ? What nonsense are people in this day and age ?

However, the mother found out that her son saw the piece of letter and took it.

"Why did you take mom's letter? Did you see the writing ??"

"Hee ... Yes, mom. I saw the letter, sorry."

"Argh... you actually make me remember my past."

Past ? What happened to mother ?

"So, I used to like my best friend . Now, that man's name is Arnold. And I heard that his child went to the same high school as you."

"So, mother's friend's son went to the same high school as me ? How did you know about that information?"

"Mr. Witori, the vice-principal who likes to give impromptu notifications."


"You should go to sleep, it's late."

"Okay, mom."


Bucky planned to meet the next day, but unfortunately when he arrived at his house it was quiet.

"Excuse me, son. Who are you meeting with ?" Asked Anna's neighbor.

"I want to meet with Mr. Waterfell's daughter, Anna."

"Ooh, Mr. Waterfell ? He was going to the airport with his family. Maybe his daughter was invited to join, it could be."

Wow, what have I done ? Now Anna instead goes to the airport so annoyed with me.

"Ooh, I see. Thank you, sir."

When going home, I heard a girl screaming.

"Bucky ?"

Bucky looked back and saw Anna getting off the taxi along with Trina. Anna immediately ran to hug Bucky while crying.

"Stupid, why just came now ? I have been waiting for you at school for a long time but you haven't come. You haven't been to school for a few weeks and have finally been hospitalized due to..."

"Sshh, stop. The story ends there, no need at length." Bucky immediately hugged Anna tightly.

Bucky remembered that he had a letter with a mother. Then he showed the letter to Anna.

"What is this ?"

"Do you remember the letter from last time ? The three of us were called by Mrs. Kylie ?"

"Yes, I remember that. Why?"

"This paper is a piece of the letter. There is still one piece of paper like this."

"Oh yeah? How do you know?"

"My mother is apparently a high school alumni of 23. So, she kept this letter from... You could say her ex-best friend."

"Wow, it's the same. I got the same letter too. It means the first letter is the same to me, the second is from you. Only the third is left."

"There are three pieces of paper with letters. We have to find them before we report."

"Hmm, ok."


Bucky goes home alone and Anna enters her house, just enters the house ... The bell rings.

"Hello, excuse me."

"Yes ... Wait a minute."

When Anna opened the door, it turned out to be Mr. Donald.

"Mr. Donald ? What are you doing here?"

"I want to meet with your father, is he there?"

"Too bad, my Father is leaving. Do you want to say hello to my father ?"

"Hmm, no need. Sorry to disturb your time, Anna. I'll excuse myself."

When Mr. Donald came out, his cellphone rang. Donald picked it up and it turns out it was Arnold.


"Hello, Donald. Sorry I forgot that I and my wife wanted to leave. Earlier, my child told me if you came home. Sorry..."

"You asshole."


Anna doesn't know the secret that Mr. Donald has.