
After Cole admits all the mistakes he made, Bucky forgives him and they decide to make peace. Anna woke up from her sleep, this new story will begin.

The man played on the swing, lonely accompanied by a gust of wind. As his face was touched by a kind woman, he fell from heaven to accompany him to the end of the world. The man is named cole. He was waiting for his two friends to play together, then they came happily.

His gaze... His smile... Their friendship looks happy...

However... something happened to them. Cole was forced to become a rebel.

They finally separated into several parts. There are good, evil, and neutral.

The neutral tries to unite good and evil, while the evil one does not want to be friends with the good or the neutral.

"It's useless, you can't stop me." Said the evil one.

"Oh, yeah ? With this one proof, we can defeat you, evil." Said the neutral.

"No... There's no way this could have happened, no..." The evil one fainted.

With the power of honesty and eternal sincerity, the evil finally becomes good again.









































"Ah, dad... Have you finished the story?"

"Already, Ayesha. Can I turn off the lights ?"

"Yes, dad..."

When her dad wants to come out, his daughter asks.


"What ?"

"Do you love mother or not?"

Her dad immediately smiled.

"Of course. I love mom. Why do you ask like that?"

"The thing is... I once dreamed about her meeting me."

Her dad immediately sat listening to his daughter's story.

"How did you react when you saw mother ?"

"So happy... I'm happy again because I can meet mom again. How many months have I not met her, dad. I came to hug her with affection."

"Oh is that so."

"Well, I'll go back to the room first."

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight, Ayesha."

The door to the room is tightly closed, there are many collections of photos containing sweet memories of father and mother.

"Ayesha said she saw you... Can I see you back ? Our children miss you. I miss you too..."

The slow crying dropped casually despite bringing sweet memories and bitter memories.

Photographed there were 2 people at a black tomb...

Bekasi, May 23, 2046, Visiting mother's grave.

The tomb reads that...

"Anna Ussylah Azzahra"

Born : February 27, 2002

Death : May 23, 2042

"Great woman who never quit for life."

















































The End.