Older brother becomes an older sister?!

I have a little sister named Nao that I always take care of, when she was born and I was just a small boy at the age of 7 years old, and I have sworn on the day she was born that I would always make her happy and safe at all times. Sometimes I would wonder on the day I said those words to myself and think that I somehow sound like someone with a sister complex but I consider it as a normal thing because who wouldn't care about their siblings.

As family, we of course take care of each other and look after each other closely. I couldn't sometimes help it because as days passed by, I admire her cuteness so I sometimes sneak inside her room just to see her but of course I can control myself. I am a responsible big brother after all.

Before I forget, I am Nakamura Akira, the big brother of Nakamura Nao. As an older brother, I tried to learn a lot of things while I can like cooking, baking, housework, and never forget about studies so that I could teach Nao when she is in trouble with academics.

"Nao-chan...I will always be here with you!" - Akira

A few years has passed by so quickly, and I have seen how Nao grow through these few years. At first glance, you would think that we aren't like siblings at all because she has a different color of hair and eyes. Nao has blonde hair and blue eyes that really matches like the people living in the Western countries, and many have said that she is a foreigner despite that she is fully Japanese.

I continued to take care of Nao though I think I may have overdone it a bit because she is starting to get clingy. It was good that she is clingy but the way she clings to me is a bit too much that I don't have much time to spend time to play games because all of those times is used up for Nao.

At first, I thought that I just need to teach her properly and tell her what she needs to know because being too clingy is just annoying. She somehow slowly let go of me though the clingy part never went away which is fine for now.

I asked my parents why they named her as Nao even though she looks like those fairy tale characters in books, and they just said that it was the name of the grandmother of my mom as well as Nao having also the same hair as mom's grandmother.

School is a bit lonely because I don't have any friends so home is truly the place where I can be myself and to see Nao. I am the type who doesn't really socialize much to other people but when there are group projects, I can communicate to them a bit.

Another few years passed by and Nao was attending school for the first time, at first she was crying and clinging to me because she is always near so we went to her school together till she can get used to others and somehow make friends unlike me.

At first I was a bit worried because I don't know what happens to her at school but whenever she comes home, she always tell me a lot of fun things she has been doing and that learning new things is so fun. She also told me that her classmates are usually staring at her because they told her that she is 'different'.

"They are just in awe because you look cute, Nao" - Akira

I reassured her because she looks like a foreigner and for her to have a Japanese name, and they are curious like her that are new and different.

"You just be yourself, and I am sure you'll make some good friends" - Akira

When I said those words, I sounded like a hypocrite because I don't even have any friends at all, and Nao will have friends to be with at school to make her happy.

After telling her that, in just a span of weeks, Nao have friends and when she invited her friends over to the house one time, she brought two female friends. I welcomed them of course because I don't want to look uncool in front of Nao's friends. First impressions are important, very important because no one wants to misunderstands who you are which is the same thing you must do when getting a job or doing an interview.

Nao went ahead with her friends to her room while I go to the kitchen and prepare a meal for them. While I was preparing the meal, I could hear Nao having fun because she was laughing loudly which somehow I am happy and embarrassed to say that she somehow needs to tone it down.

When the three are done with what they are doing, they all went down and eat the meal I have prepared for them.

"Woah! Nao, your brother is such a good cook! This is meal is nice!"

I am happy I am getting complements on my cooking because I want to be a cool brother in front of my sister's friends. After we ate our meal and washed the dishes, Nao's friends started going home.

"Nao, I might as well marry your brother! just kidding!"

What?! I would like to formally decline since I don't have any plans to get into any relationships at all and I don't even have friends to begin with. Ever since that day, I was happy for my sister to have such good friends.


Skipping a few more years and Nao has grown a bit more beautiful than cute.

One could say that Nao has matured a lot because she is like a model figure to many others from the rumors I have heard. I just want to say that the smart and beautiful girl they see is a spoiled and demanding kid at home.

I couldn't even tell on how and why did she turned like that but it was enough for me to not notice along the years and just noticed it now. I was very worried on her future, and her demands are getting worse and worse because she doesn't call me big brother anymore.

"Akira, cook me meals now!"


"Akira, clean my room"

or worst...

"Akira, I am going on a trip with friends, give me money or much better, get me a card I need to buy some nice clothes and make up, need to look nice~!"

She kept demanding in an endless manner, and one would of course run out of patience but I kept telling myself that she is family so I never get mad at her much. Every time I don't fulfill her demands, she would either get angry by saying all kinds of vulgar words or worst, she starts trying to beat me up by kicking or punching just because I didn't fulfill her demands.

This kind of situation kept going and going for who knows how long already, and I am somehow starting to tun out of patience so I went to her room.

*knock* *knock*

I knocked on the door to her room before going in.

"What do you want, Akira?"

"Nao, we need to talk"

She stopped what she was doing, and faced me with a look of disgust like I was just some kind of garbage that needs to be thrown out. I am the one who is working hard and earning money but she takes a lot of my hard earned money away and barely put any money for saving, and she also steals some of my belongings and saying that she will just borrow it but she will never return it at all and if she does return it, it's broken.

I couldn't stand it all anymore so I told her all the things I wanted to say. I said that she will never have her way and have to follow my rules since it is just the two of us living in the house. I also said that I won't be giving her any more pocket money and should start saving from the allowance I will give her.

Despite on what I have said, Nao looked at me with her face filled with rage.


She ran outside the room, and went down the stairs. I went after her because I don't want her to run away from home and many things can happen when you are alone especially for a girl knows how dangerous it is for someone to walk alone at night.

To my surprise when I went down the stairs, I saw Nao in the kitchen holding a knife and pointed it at me.

"Nao..put the knife down..." - Akira


I tried to reason out with her, and I don't want any harm to fall onto both of us at all. I told her that I won't stop supporting her and that I would still love her, and she just needs to control herself. I walked towards her slowly and told her to put the knife down slowly.

When I got near her, she suddenly hugged which I thought she has stabbed me but she whispered something at my ear.

"Akira...I'm sorry..." - Nao

"huh?" - Akira

She pushed me away while I felt intense pain at my back. It felt very difficult to breathe, but I was confused and in pain.

When I looked at Nao, I only saw her smiling at me like she has taken care of garbage, and it was the last thing I saw before the cold darkness has enveloped my vision and can't feel my own body anymore.

The darkness that enveloped me was what I thought was death, it was cold, suffocating, and scary.


I don't know how long but I started to wonder how can I still think, and if I am dead, shouldn't I cease to exist anymore, but before I could think any further about what I the situation I am in, I am starting to lose consciousness like drowsiness is taking over.

I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken up by something or someone. When I open my eyes, I saw light and a familiar ceiling, so I thought that shouldn't I be dead? but I can feel my body and something heavy on top of me which makes it hard to breathe so I looked around and saw who was on top of me.

It was Nao who was sleeping on top of me but I was stunned because she looks like Nao in her younger years instead, but what was also shocking is that I have some kind of mound on my chest. I moved my hand towards the two mounds on my chest only to feel a soft mound I could also feel like it is connected to me, and when I turned towards to the know young Nao, she whispered something sweet but also shocking.

"Good morning, twin big sister" - Nao

Just what happened to me, and just what the heck happened to Nao, also 'big sister'? not 'big brother'?! also we are twins?!

I am dreaming aren't I?