Tears of Sadness

"Why do I have dirt in my mouth?" Groans John wiping his hand on his mouth.

"Oh sorry I wasn't strong enough to pick you up so I kind of dragged you." A feminine voice tells him.

John startled at the voice looks over and can't help but hold his breath.

'She's beautiful.'

With black hair in a short cut and green eyes shining like two gems, the beauty was staring at him with clear interest.

John then takes a closer look and can't help but freeze.

'Ad-Adams apple!'

"Your a boy?!" John exclaims shocked to his core.

"Of course brother John don't you remember me!" Pouts the boy clearly upset at his brothers question.

"Hmmmm, Zhang Wang?" John says in realization.

"I knew you would remember!" Says Zhang leaning in closer to John while smiling brightly.

'Please my heart' thinks John as he looks away from that smile with a blush and a bitter smile.

"Ah Fatty yours awake!" John says exited seeing Fatty starting to come to.

"Oh brother Fatty is awake!" Exclaims Zhang while going nearer to Fatty.

'I have an idea.' John thinks as his face shows an expression only fitting an evil lord while laughing.

"Hey brother Fatty a pretty lady has come to see you!" John yells while snickering on the inside.

"Did you say a pretty lady!" Fatty says jumping up with new found vigor.

"Oh hey there, may I ask who this beauty is?" Fatty says nervously while blushing noticing Zhang next to him.

"Come on brother Fatty, it's me Zhang Wang, how could you two not remember me!" Zhang pouts in disbelief at his brothers trash memory.

"Oh it's just you Zhang." Fatty says in a dejected manner.

"What do you mean by that?!" Zhang in exasperation replies.

"Oh nothing." Fatty says looking to the side with tears rolling down his cheeks. 'Oh how clear the sky is.'

"Oh come on Fatty snap out of it" John says before bursting out into laughter.

"Hmph, like I don't know what you did." He replies with venom.

"Oh come on Fatty don't be like that, I'll pay for snacks tomorrow to make it up." John replies still laughing.

"Now that sounds great!" Yells out fatty as his whole mood does a full 180, shocking John.

'Oh I forgot how shameless he was' he thinks bitterly while shaking his head.

"Hey you two stop ignoring me." Pouts Zhang seeing these two bicker amongst themselves.

"Sorry brother Zhang." Zhang and Fatty reply.

"Well anyways, school is almost over and the nurse had to leave and asked me to take you back to class." Zhang sighs knowing very well how troublesome Fatty and John can be when it comes to their respective classes.

'Guess I'll stop by the teachers office and grab anything I missed.' John thinks to himself as he gets out of the bed.

"Teacher I was wondering if there was anything I need to make up for my classes." John asks now in the teachers office.

"Huh, what now student John?" Asked the the teacher in a bewildered manner. "YOU want to make up work?"

"Yes, sorry for any trouble I've caused." He says feeling a bit of shame.

"Well I'm afraid you have a ton to make up for young man." The teacher sighs while grabbing a empty folder. "Give me some time to set everything up, you can take a seat while you wait."

"So John I've heard from teacher Ye that you where paying a bit more attention today." She says grabbing another page from the stack next to her. "I hope you can show that type of motivation everyday, it would be a shame if a young man such as yourself where to fail."

"Please take care and think of how to improve, not only for yourself but for those around you." She said closing the folder and handing it over.

"I see, thank you for your advice teacher Hua." John says while receiving the folder.

"No problem you are my student after all!" Teacher Hua exclaims and pats his shoulder. "Now get going student Fan schools closing."