Chapter 6 - We Came Here to Study...

After a few rigorously intense study sessions, I finally readied myself for the upcoming exams!


Oh, who am I kidding... All I did was read for a few minutes and fell asleep. Not once, not twice, not three times, but for seven consecutive days!

For seven straight days, every frickin' time I opened a book, I always get bored and fall asleep after five minutes!

You might be thinking, 'Can't you just do it mid-day?'. But jokes on you! I fall asleep anytime of day because I'm so sleep deprived from watching anime and making BL! So ha! Eat that!

Gosh, that was a long rant. What was I thinking about? Oh, yeah! Examinations!

So anyways, after a bunch of sleep-deprived nights and late anime episode review sessions, the Media and Entertainment Club got together one last time before the exams.

You may think... You... might... think...




You? Who am I talking to?

'Hey, if you haven't noticed, I'm the voice inside your head.'

Hmm? Isn't that just me? How am I talking, to me?

'Listen, I don't know either. But let's just continue with our lives before this gets weird.'

To avoid weird time and space problems, I continue with my day.

Haruka and I walked to our club's meeting place. But get this, we aren't gonna stay at the cafe. We all unanimously decided that the cafe was too distracting. So, we all decided to group study at Kana's house.

You know, this is probably really weird. I mean, Hotaka is like, madly in love with Kana. I don't know if she knows though. And I don't even know if Hotaka can take it.

After some chit-chatting with Haruka, we finally arrived at the meeting spot.

"Huh, seems that we're pretty early." Haruka commented.

"That's all right! It's better to be early than to be late, right!" I said.

"Akari, don't you think being early is a bit, you know, too extra?" Haruka said.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

"I mean, think about this. You're arriving early because it's better than being late, right?" Haruka started her rant.

I nodded my head.

"Don't you think that just arriving on time would be okay?" Haruka asked.

You know she makes a pretty good point. I stroked my chin to think about the solid argument. Wait what, why my chin? I don't even have facial hair. Brain fart. Definitely a brain fart.

Observing me lost in my thoughts, and Haruka busy preaching, Hotaru ran towards the pair and joined the conversation.

"Stop preaching your corner-cutting beliefs, demon!" Hotaru screamed as she slapped Haruka at the back of the head.

"Ow! That hurt! And what do you mean corner-cutting? It's just a more efficient way of being punctual!" Haruka made up an excuse.

"But you don't need to push your ideas on to our sweet Akari! She can arrive as early or late as she wants to!" Hotaru rebutted.

Being lost in my own thoughts, I ignored the two arguing beside me.

"Hey, what's up? Sorry, I got caught in traffic trying to get here!" Hotaka arrived just in time to catch my attention.

I was pulled back to reality. Noticing the two, I pointed at the arguing pair behind me.

Hotaka realized, nodded, and stayed silent with me.

So there we were, two people arguing about time efficiency, and two blobs standing next to them.

The conflict was cut short by our club president, Kana. Thank God! If hadn't arrived, this battle would continue for decades! In a plain white shirt and some shorts, Kana stepped in between them and stopped the shouting.

"What is going on here? Why are y'all screaming?" Kana said in a firm tone.

"It's because Haruka was pushing her lazy ideas into Akari" Hotaru realized she had the advantage in terms of friendship with Kana, and quickly spoke.

"She's overreacting! I was just worried if Akari really was okay with being super early to events!" Haruka rebutted and grabbed me.

"Akari, do you even care about this?" Kana asked me.

"I don't really care, to be honest." I said.

These guys are literally arguing about arriving on time. If I gave these guys an actual debate question, they'd probably start a civil war.

Ignoring the current dilemma, I asked Kana about her outfit.

Kana met up with us wearing a plain white oversized t-shirt, and some denim shorts. A classic thot* outfit, if I do say so myself. But hey, not everyone is a thot* just because of that outfit, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Obviously, this would be inappropriate to wear to a group study, but since it was Kana's house, she really didn't mind wearing what she wanted to wear. Well, it's her house, so I guess it's her rules?

Upon calming everyone down, we started walking down the path to Kana's house.

I wonder what Kana's house looks like. Is it gonna be a classic home? Does she have any relatives living with her? Oh! Does she have a dog? I hope she does so I can play with it while "studying". Hehe.

As it appears, I was not the only one curious. Haruka was lost in her thoughts while smiling.

"Psst, are you also wondering about Kana's home?" I whispered to Haruka.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I guess you can say that! Haha!" Haruka snapped back to reality and said.

Judging from that response, she probably wasn't. She was probably thinking about her lovey-dovey partner... Sigh...

Suddenly, Kana and Hotaru stopped at a giant gate. I was too ignorant to notice they stopped and accidentally bumped into the gate.

As I bumped into the iron-barred gate, they started opening and a guy in a tux walked up to us.

"Good day, Young Madame. Oh, I see our guests came with you." Judging from that, I can only deduce him to be some sort of paid actor.

"Thanks, Albert. But there's no need to call me by that! And didn't I tell you not to greet me when I come back?!" Kana pouted.

"Haha, my apologies. But the master has overruled your decision. I cannot refuse an order from the master." Albert replied.

"So Daddy asked you? Come on, what if they think I'm some sort of spoiled rich girl?!" Kana said.

This girl... Let me get this straight, this woman thinks that a simple absence of a butler would make her seem normal and relatable...? I'm pretty sure this giant wall of defense can say enough about your economic status.