The Case of the School Kidnapping

Ruby's Pov

"Sis you gotta being jorking right", Aria said while still having a shock look on her face "I wish I was sis but it the only way I think we can get Violet", I said "sis you talking about a public kidnapping where there would be tons of witnesses", sis said "I know but I can't think of anything else look these guys are on her every minute of her life", I said "that explain the risky idea you got but how will we even do this", sis said "while let start off with what school she goes to it your old school Dolphin Elementary", I said well I pull out my list and my phone to show the map of the school "great so I know where to go", sis said "yeap and what you going to do is talk to the office give them a fake name so you can get a guest pass to watch your old teacher Mrs. Dorsey teach", I said "that mint be easy, but what I going to talk to office people about", sis said "you going to say stuff like you thinking of becoming a teacher or something like that as long it can lead you to watch over her class", I said "for how long", sis said "just until lunch time then you can talk to Violet and hopefully convionced her to go along with you out of the school", I said "okay that won't be that hard but what about if she have a tracker", sis said before a blonde hair girl came into the room "anymore cookies", Melody said "sorry all out", Aria said which lead Melody to had a sad face "don't worry I cook some tomorrow", sis said "anyways Melody will the guys that watch you be in the building of the school", I said "no they usually just let the teacher do the work while their watch the class cameras", Melody said before she sat down next to sis "what about a tracker", sis said "yeah they probity have them their was one in me before my grandma pull it out", she said "so I'll being a metal detector with me and a knife just in case she had one", I said "that will work but you should probity do it under a tunnel just in case", she said "like the one on May street", sis said "yeah that will work", I said "then we should get a big long sleep since we have a lot of work tomorrow", Aria said "what my job", Melody said "sorry no job for you, you just got to pretend Aria is stick", I said "boring job, but at least I'll get cookies", Melody said which lead me and sis to laugh before the three of us all went to sleep in to our own beds.

Melody's Pov

"Hon hit her with the whip", an old man said well I hold in someone arms against my will "okay one", she said before she hit me with the whip against my stomach "Mom stop", I said in a loud screaming voice while still feeling the pain before I was hit with two more attacks on the back that hurt just as much "keep going", Dad said while he still holds me in form behind my back as my legs were tied down and then I got hit again "no stop please", I said before I work up in my bed crying my eyes out for unreal pain.

Ruby's Pov

"Are you ready to go", I said while I look at a blonde hair girl sitting at the table looking to have some dark stuff under her eyes "you taking me to school", Melody said after she grabs her backpack next to her "yeah since we need people to believe about you know who being sick", I said "yeah I get you, so did you call them", she said while we both walk out of the house "yeap, so let get going", I said before me and her went toward the direction of the high school.

Aria's Pov

"I can't believe I back here", I said while standing infront of my blue car while looking at the blue buildings with a dolphin as a logo with the school name as it stand above the office and the cafeteria "I hope I remember how to get around this place", I said before I walk into the office "hello lady you need something", a black hair girl at the front desk said "yeah I was hoping to become a teacher for little kids so I was wondering if I could get a example from this school", I said "sure, just give me your name", she said "Tracy Heart", I said after rembering a girl from a tv show "thanks you and you need to have this on you while you are here", she said before she give me a thing with guest on it "and with that is their any teacher you will really like to watch", she said "yes Anna Dorsey", I said "ok I will call her and see if she fine with that", she said before she pull out the phone and it started ranging "hi Anna, will you mind if a guest watch you teach", she said before she waited for a response "I will tell her right away", she said before she hang up the phone "so", I said "she fine with it she is in room 11 on the fifth hall", she said before she give me a paper with the room number "thank you", I said before I left the office and started heading toward the classrooms of Dolphin Elementary.

"Hello Anna are you in here", I said while I enter room 11 "yeap, are you, Tracy Heart", she said as she looks at me and offers me her hand "yes nice to meet you", I said while I shake her hand "hm you look familiar do I know you", she said "I don't think so", I said "anyways it doesn't matter class about to start in thirty minutes, so, for now, you can just wait around on your phone until it does", she said before I took a seat in the back and just look at my phone waiting for the bell to ring.

Melody's Pov

"Hey Melody haven't seen you in a while", a white hair girl said as she ran up to me "I know it sucks that we don't have the same classes", I said while me and her walk by each other "yeah it does anyways I wanted you to meet someone", June said before she pulls out her phone and calls someone "can you meet me by the front area", she said before she waited for a response "ok see you then", she said before she hang up her phone "he be here in a minute", she said "okay who am I meeting", I said "my boyfriend", she said before a guy show up in the blue room "hey pie", the guy said that have a brown face wearing glasses and a white coat along with a black t-shirt and pants and above it all was a black flat hat with white lines that cover his hair "hey hon this is Melody Beat", June said before the guy offer me his hand "nice to meet you, I am Knight James but you can just call me Knight", he said before he let go of my hand "nice to meet you too",I said before his phone beat and he grabs it out of his pocket "sorry about that just making sure my friend got the tickets", he said "for who honey", June said "while it was going to be surpise but it dosen't matter tonight I was going to take you to see your faviote singer", he said before June have a really happy face "you don't Mean Auroua Blue her ticket have been sold out for weeks", she said "let just say I know a guy", he said before June give him a hug "okay I happy for you June but who Auroua Blue", I said before the bell ring "you don't know Auroua Blue is don't worry I tell you after school", she said before her and the boy left me to start heading to class.

Aria's Pov

"Welcome students", Anna said as she looks over at the multiple kids in her class sitting behind their brown desks "today we goona start with history", she said before the kids got out their homework "Violet tell me what lead the US to join world war two", Anna said before a purple hair girl stand up wearing a black jacket and pants along with purple shirt and shoes "so that her", I said in my head while I didn't pay attention to the rest of the class.

"You don't mind if I go out", I said after the lunch bell ring and the kids was probity done eating "sure it fine", Anna said before I left the classroom "now where can I find Violet", I said in my head while I look at some of the kids playing basketball and some playing at the playground and then I saw the purple hair girl reading a book as she sat under the lone pink tree between the playground and the courts "hello", I said which got Violet to notice me "hey you was the tall girl in our class", she said as I sat next to her "yeap that's me I was hopefully me and you can talk", I said "you shouldn't do that you mint get hurt", she said "are you saying that thanks to the guys you have on your back everyday", I said "how do you know about that", she said "because I know your mom and she wanted me to help you get out of their eyes", I said "that not possible they got a tracker in me", she said "don't worry about that a family member of mine can get it out you just have to come along with me so will you", I said after I got up from the grass and put my right hand in front of her "are you telling me the truth mrs", she said "call me Aria and yes I telling you the truth", I said "while Aria how we getting out of here", she said after she grab my hand and I pull her up to her legs "just follow me", I said before I lead her out of the playground and into my car to take her away from the school.

Ruby's Pov

"Did you get her", I said while standing under a tunnel looking at my sister's car "yeah I got her" Aria said as she got out of the car holding Violet "who are you", Violet said "I Ruby I used to be your mom girlfriend", I said while I grab the metal detector out of my car "oh so you the one she talk happily about in her sleep", she said which lead me to have a little pink on my face "anyways do you know where tracker is", sis said "it in my right arm", Violet said before she show Me her arm leading me to scan it until I hold a loud beep in the middle of the arm "sorry about this but it mint hurt", I said before I grab the knife out of my pocket and cut her arm until I saw the beeping red device and got it out of her "they I done now let cover up your wound", I said before I clean up the blood with my hankie and grab the big bandage in my pocket and put it on her arm "they that all done Tracy throw this away", I said to my sister as I pass her the tracker and she put it in a trashcan "great now let go home", I said before me and Violet got in the my car well sis got in her own car and we all start going toward the way to home.

To Be Continued in ch.9